Dear missiologists,
And (finally) here it is! Mission Hits Journals #9 (Oct 2022 - Jan 2023) - a quarterly posting linking you to all recent articles from 37 different journals/periodicals related to world mission and world Christianity
You will find links below to 20 different journal issues, containing 213 articles. With topics ranging from Chinese diaspora church in mission, to Andrew Walls' contribution to African theology, and from orality in Asia to North-South Partnership in God’s Mission, I trust you will find something to keep you informed, inspired, and thoroughly up-to-date so that you don't miss out on anything relevant to your ministry and interests.
The eagle-eyed will note that this edition comes out 4 months after the last one, not 3 as usual. Life and ministry here in Uganda has been so relentlessly intense that, alas, this is the soonest I've been able to get this compiled. For the same reason, I've not done a 'Mission Hits recommends…' highlighting one particular article in each journal. My apologies for the delay.
I sincerely hope that Mission Hits Journals #9 provides a wonderful resource for you in your ongoing missiological thought and praxis. Do let me know if there are ways that this might be more useful to you, of if there are relevant journals I've accidentally missed off!
If you have friends, colleagues, professors, or students who might benefit from this resource, please do forward it to them. Anyone can sign up simply by clicking here.
With every blessing as you live in and live out God's great mission purposes.
In Christ,
Head of Theology (Uganda Martyrs Seminary, Namugongo), DIS Fuller Theological Seminary.
p.s. You are receiving Mission Hits Journals here. Why not also check out 'Mission Hits', a monthly popular-level mission resources email - click here for recent examples and to sign up.
(1A) Global Missiology (Oct 2022, Vol. 19.4)
(1B) Global Missiology (Jan 2023, Vol. 20.1)
(2) Great Commission Baptist Journal of Mission (Fall 2022, Vol. 1.2)
(3A) Mission Frontiers (Nov-Dec 2022, Vol. 44.6)
(3B) Mission Frontiers (Jan-Feb 2023, Vol. 45.1)
(4) Quarterly Bulletin of the Asia Missions Association (Winter 2023, Vol. 78)
(5A) Lausanne Global Analysis (Nov 2022, Vol. 11.6)
(5B) Lausanne Global Analysis (Jan 2023, Vol. 12.1)
(6) Missionalia (2022, Vol. 50.1)
(7) Journal of Urban Mission (Dec 2022, Vol. 8.2)
(8) ANVIL: A Journal of Theology and Mission (Nov 2022, Vol. 38.2)
(9) Ecclesial Futures (Dec 2022, Vol. 3.2)
(10A) Journal of Mother-Tongue Biblical Hermeneutics and Theology (May-Nov 22, Vol. 4.14)
(10B) Journal of Mother-Tongue Biblical Hermeneutics and Theology (Jan-Feb 23, Vol. 5.1-2)
(11) International Journal of Pentecostal Missiology (Feb 2023, Vol. 9.1)
(12) Evangelical Missions Quarterly (Oct-Dec 2022, Vol. 58.4)
(13) Studies in World Christianity (Nov 2022, Vol. 28.3)
(14) Missiology: An International Review (Jan 2023, Vol. 51.1)
(15A) Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies (Oct 22, Vol. 39.4)
(15B) Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies (Jan 23, Vol. 40.1)
(16A) Exchange: Journal of Contemporary Christianities in Context (Nov 2022, Vol. 51.3)
(16B) Exchange: Journal of Contemporary Christianities in Context (Dec 2022, Vol. 51.4)
(17) International Bulletin of Mission Research (Jan 2023, Vol. 47.1)
(18) Mission Studies (Dec 2022, Vol. 39.3)
(19) International Review of Mission (Nov 2022, Vol. 111.2)
(20) Social Sciences and Missions (Nov 2022, Vol. 35.3-4)
No Longer the Same: Pentecostal Mission in Cities of Sub-Saharan Africa
Michael Sallu
The “House of Life”: A Russian-to-International Pentecostal Movement
David Lewis
An Appraisal of Pentecostalism’s Impact on Urban Christian Missions in Nigeria
Deborah Bosede Oyelakin
The Role of Signs and Wonders in Movement Breakthrough
Emanuel Prinz & Alison Goldhor
Getting Ahead of the Spirit? The Techniques of Contemporary Mission Movements
John Span
Missiological Implications of Pietism for Protestant African Christianity
Samson O. Adebayo & Akinyemi O. Alawode
Reformed Theology and Movements: What Can We Learn from Each Other?
J. R. Stevenson
Happily Surprised by Works of God’s Spirit
Dave Coles
The Church Planting Movement Debate: Getting to the Heart of the Matter
J. A. Irons
A Pneumatological Theology of Religion: Amos Yong’s Approach
Jose Abraham
Two Important Research-Based Missionary Training Principles
Arthur Lin
The Struggles of Generation Z and the Future of North American Mission Organizations
David R. Dunaetz
Mission and Disintegration in Global Anglicanism from the 1960s through 2022: An Update to Stephen Neill’s Anglicanism
Duane Alexander Miller
God’s People Turn to Scripture: The Post-Crisis Response In Nehemiah 8
Jonathan Mcgrath
Gospel Preaching in A Time of Global Pandemic: A Brazilian Baptist Perspective
W. Mark Johnson & Pastor João Purin Jr
Why We’re In Crete: Leadership Development As Preparation For The Unexpected
Clark Sundin
Innovations For Theological Education in Post-Pandemic Africa: Fulfilling the Missionary Task Through Faithful Teaching
James Wesley Bledsoe
COVID As Crucible: How God Harnessed a Pandemic to Strengthen Cooperative Sending of Global Missionaries
Jennifer Waldrep, Amanda Dimperio Davis, & Hal Cunnyngham
The Changing Landscape of Lostness: Why Global Shifts Are Driving the Need for New Engagement Indices
Wilson Geisler & Jim Courson
Status of the Task and The State of The Church: International Mission Board’s Multi-Indicator Engagement Scales for Peoples and Places
Wilson Geisler & Jim Courson
Grappling With the Impact of COVID On Missionary Life and Practice
Ingrid Woodbridge
Learning Like a Soldier: Missions in A Post-Pandemic World
Kevin Brown
Learning Through Loss
Karen Pearce
Rediscovering the Hidden Peoples
Rick Wood & Robby Butler
Developing Mission Mobilization Movements in Local Ministries
Ryan Shaw
Seeing the World Through People Group Eyes
Christine Lewis
Re-Introducing Frontier People Groups
Robby Butler
Strategy Coodinator— The Outside Catalyst
Neill Mims
Movement Servants Dave
Coles & Stan Parks
Prayer Champions
Teri Baisa (pseudonym)
Family-Blessing Advocates
RW Lewis
The NEW Thirty-One Prayer Guide
Prayer Transforms the Karamojong People
Gary and Louise
Morning Basket
Alyssa Johnson
Bringing Back the King of Kings
John Robb
FPG Global Resources
Robby Butler
Toward the Edges
Kevin Higgins
Learning from Paul about the Mindsets of Movement Catalysts
Stan Parks
Startling Church Trends and What We Need to Do About Them
C. Anderson
Further Reflections
Greg H. Parsons
Great News: Movements are Starting New Movements
Dave Coles
Cascading Gospel: Movements Starting Movements
Stan Parks
Movements Spreading as God Leads His Children
Bahizi Leodegard
DMM Jumps to Another Desert Tribe
Dan Karami Hassane
Look Where You Have Cousins
J. Michael Corley & L. Michael Corley
Disciple Making Movement Jumps to Another Continent
Ken Morris
Cloud by Day, Fire by Night
William J. Dubois
Multiplying Movements through Organic Growth
Roger Charles
How Long to Reach the Goal?
Justin Long
What Must be Done?
Stan Parks
Toward the Edges
Kevin Higgins
Mission Mobilizers—A Multifaceted Role in God’s Global Purpose
Ryan Shaw
Startling Church Trends and What We Need to Do About Them
C. Anderson
Further Reflections
Greg H. Parsons
Facing the Future by Facing the Past
J. Nelson Jennings
Contextualization the Asian Way: Relational Contextualization
Enoch Wan & Siu Kuen Sonia Chan
Calling Chinese Diaspora Churches for Glocal Missions to All
Juno Wang
Ministry Direction and Issues in the Mission Transition Period
S. Hun Kim
Orality and 21st Century Asian Mission
Charles Madinger
False Teachers Among Us
James D. Langteau
Lessons from 10 Years of Lausanne Global Analysis
Doug Birdsall, David Taylor, & Loun Ling Lee
Ralph Winter and the ‘People Group’ Missiology
Kevin Higgins
The Lifework of Andrew Walls for African Theology
Wanjiru M. Gitau
The Evangelical Church Interacting between the Global and the Local
Steve Sang-Cheol Moon
Perspectives from Global South Christianity
Philip Lutterodt, Joabe G Cavalcanti & Loun Ling Lee
Governments and the Great Commission
CJ Davison, Paul Lewis & Dave Benson
‘Apartheid’ of Church and State
Simon Jooste
Engaging Younger Generations in Church Ministry
Victor Lee
Reimagining a New Social Contract Between Church and State
Eugene Baron
Believing In the Future Missiology’s Future Prospects
Nelus Niemandt
A ‘Decolonisation Project’ That Went Awr: A Missio-Ecclesiological Interrogation Of The Anglican Diocese Of Harare During Bishop Nolbert Kunonga’s Episcopacy: 2001–2007
Paul Gundani
“Lewe Vir Die Stad” – Life/Live for The City A Case Study of Reimagining Congregational Culture and Its Relationship with The City as A First Step Towards Establishing a New Social Contract
Doret Niemandt
Church And Community: New Hope for Africa
Pieter Verster
Reimagining A New Social Contract in The Public Space Evangelical Church and Society
Donald Ross Anderson
The Search for Ikhaya: Can We Build a Home Together?
Johannes Kritzinger
Re-Imagining A New Social Contract to Address Exclusion and Marginalisation in Africa: Insights From The “Golden Rule And Ubuntu” As Value Frameworks
Lukwikilu Credo Mangayi
Corruption An Impediment to Economic Reconstruction and Recovery: A Glocal Missional Approach
Daniel Nicolaas Andrew
Deeper Crises in the Church That Surfaced Post-2020
Larry L. Anderson, Jr.
Response: Deeper Crises in the Church That Surfaced Post-2020
Daniel Hyun
The Impact of George Floyd’s Murder on the Church
Kimberlee Johnson
Response: The Impact of George Floyd’s Murder on the Church
D. Kyle Canty
Racial Ramifications of 2020
Esther Chiang
How 2020 Affected Women in the Church
Shayna Harvey
Localized Incarnational Ministry After 2020
Carlos Worthy
Youth Ministry after COVID-19
Jeremy Chen
Hispanic Churches After 2020
David Medina
How Lives Changed for Pastors After 2020
Chad Hinson
Renewed Relevance of Theological Resources
R. Todd Mangum
Response: Renewed Relevance of Theological Resources
Duane A. Belgrave, Sr.
Mental Health Needs of Urban Communities
Desiree Guyton
Response: Mental Health Needs of Urban Communities
Monica Kim
Development and Shifting of Urban Culture
Rubén Ortiz
New Shape of Ministry Leadership and Innovations in Ministry
J.R. Briggs
Response: New Shape of Ministry Leadership and Innovations in Ministry
Grant Hofman
Sustainability, African identity and climate justice: reframing the climate conversation
Israel Oluwole Olofinjana
Collectives with soul: building sustainable communities through organising
Alison Webster
Exploring apophatic approaches to mission: a conversation
Janet Williams and Richard Passmore
Beyond measure: evaluating the impact of pioneering
Tina Hodgett
Sustaining community spirituality – a reflection on practice
Alison Boulton
Treasure seeking: sustaining personal spirituality
Caroline Kennedy
Business that sustains
Rosie Hopley
Report of the Christian Communities and Mission Study Group
Lynne Taylor & Nigel Rooms
Parklife – Listening to Stories as a Deep Missional Practice
Sally Mann
Cultural perceptions: A barrier to the role of cross-cultural friendships in mission? (A Church of Pentecost-UK case study)
John Neate
Leading from the liturgy: Ordained ministers as facilitators of a communal process of interpretation
Rein den Hertog
Beholding: recovering “right brain” apophatic spirituality for the local church in mission
Nigel Rooms
Surfing with the Spirit or sinking into the sea? Elements enabling Christian character formation in a post-Christendom culture
Mike Harrison
Footwashing in the Context of 1 Corinthians 11:23-25: Some Theological Reflections
Peter Obeng Manu & Kenneth Oppong
An Analytical Study of the Translations of Genesis 1:26-27 in the Akuapem-Twi Bible
Emmanuel Twumasi-Ankrah, Emmanuel Kojo Ennin Antwi, Frimpong Wiafe & Isaac Boaheng
A Christological Reflection on Papa Yaw Johnson’s “Fa wo ntoma bɛbɔ me deɛ ano”
Isaac Boaheng
Ewe Christology: The Sonship of Christ in Hebrews 1:1-4 from an Ewe Perspective
Mawuli Nyador
A Comparative Study of Word Orders in the Law Code of Hammurabi and the Book of Covenant
Babatunde Adekunle Ogunlana
Abanpredease Christology: A Christological Interpretation of Dormaahene’s Chieftaincy Appellations
Isaac Boaheng
Translating Εὐαγγελιον, ἀποστόλος and ἱερεύς in the Oshindonga Dialect of Namibia: A Proposal
Magdalena Ndatoolewe Shilongo & Isaac Boaheng
Mother-Tongue Biblical Hermeneutics: A Critical Assessment of the History of an Emerging Approach in African Biblical Studies
Michael F. Wandusim
Non-Western Missions: Changing the Face of Missions
Jeffery Nelson
An Airplane View and Current “Snapshot” of WAGF Missions
Brad Walz
Contribution of African Pentecostals in Finishing the Task
Arto Hämäläinen
Embracing the New Mission Paradigm with Joy
Murray Cornelius
Keys to Romania's Growth in their Missions’ Vision and Response
Ileana Kopjar (Hrișcă) & Gheorghe Rițișan
Lessons Learned from an Experiment in African National Church Missions
Jeffery Nelson
Towards a Missiological Approach to Carceral Ministry
Jonathan Cantarero
Have we Missed the Main Point? The Purpose for Jesus’ Encounter with the Canaanite Woman
(Matthew 15:21-28)
Doug Lowenberg
Great Commission Prayer
Heather Pubols
The Number One Strategy for Reaching the Lost
Chris Ruge
Holding the Rope: Making Space for Prayer in the Bible Translation Movement
Jo Johnson, Sineina Gela et al
Decade of Harvest: the Convergence of Gospel and Prayer Movements
Jason Hubbard
Cultivating Grassroots Prayer Movements
Jenny Oliphant
The Impact of Prayer on Church Planting, Evangelism and Miracles
David Lewis
Praying through 12 Common Characteristics of Disciple Making Movements
Robin Smith
Prayer: The Key to Bearing Fruit
Moses Olele
Missionaries and Prayer Support: We Need to Talk
Katherine Lorance
Purpose and Power of Prayer Guides
Madison Strauder
When God’s People Pray Together
Marcia Strauss
Leadership, Ministry, and Church Order in South Korea
KyungMi Seo
Tentmaking: Paul’s Missionary Strategy?
Samson L. Uytanlet
Disability vs. Health in Evangelism Strategies
Phill Butler
How Calling Has Handicapped the Great Commission
Richard Kronk
The Power of Teaching Children to Pray
Candy Marballi
The Strategy of the Seed
Luke P
Prayer Releases Young People into Missions
Ann Low, Cody Low, Rebecca Joy, & Jed Tin
Editorial: Heritage and Identity. Exploring the Middle East within World Christianity
Elizabeth S. Marteijn & Lucy Schouten
Maronite Liturgy as a Developmental Space for Its Emerging Adults in Lebanon
Rima Nasrallah & Ronelle Sonnenberg
Decolonising Palestinian Liberation Theology: New Methods, Sources and Voices
John S. Munayer & Samuel S. Munayer
The Syriac Orphanage and School in Beirut: Building an Elite Transnational Syriac Identity
Anna Hager
Christians in Syria and Iraq: From Co-optation to Militarisation Strategies
Sotiris Roussos & Stavros Drakoularakos
Black Diaspora Christian Activity in Britain from the Late Eighteenth Century to 1950
David Killingray
‘Returning to the faith of our forefathers’: The Role of Historical Consciousness in Shaping Christian Missionary Work in Nineteenth-Century Taiwan
Ladislav Charouz
The Ongoing Conversion of The Missionary
Madge Karecki & Leanne M. Dzubinski
“The Conversion of The Missionary: A Journey of The Heart” Pastoral Reflection
Frank J. Caggiano
The Conversion of a Missionary: A Missiological Study of Acts 10
Darrell L. Whiteman
Solidarity as Slow Conversion
Susan Bigelow Reynolds
ASM Lifetime Achievement Award for Dan Shaw
Darrell L. Whiteman
Comments on the occasion of receiving the ASM Lifetime Achievement Award
R. Daniel Shaw
Postures Toward Postcolonial Peace: Repentance, Forgiveness, and Lament
Al Tizon
Decolonial Conversations in African Christianity: Developing a Public Theology for Kenya
Martin Munyao
Christians in the Political Arena: Some Sociological and Theological Learnings from the Philippines
Melba Maggay
North-South Partnership in God’s Mission: Joining Hands in the Construction of a Reconciliation Politics
Ruth Padilla DeBorst
“Not by Might, Nor by Power”: Spirit-filled Imaginary for Peace Building in Romania
Beneamin Mocan
The Menace of Colonialism and the Imperative of Koinonia as a Model for Living in a Nigerian Context
Raphael Akhijemen Idialu
The Strategic Task of the Church in Creating Spaces for Spirituality
Isak Jacobus Olivier
Orality Reality: Implications for Theological Education in Romania and Beyond
Cameron D. Armstrong
Integration of Social Critical Consciousness in Missionary Methodology for Social Transformation
Stefano Giudici
Theosis in the Ethiopian Tradition: A Preliminary Assessment
Calum Samuelson
‘There is light despite all of the darkness’: Exploring Perceptions of Faith and Hope During the Pandemic in Australian Church Settings
Dawn Joseph & Brendan Hyde
Global Early Modern Protestant Mission: An Introduction
David Onnekink and David J.B. Trim
Keeping up with the Catholics: Protestant Evangelism in the Late 17th Century
Lisa Clark Diller
“I Shall Give Thee the Heathen for Thine Inheritance”: Psalms, Parishioners, and Propagating the Gospel in the Protestant Atlantic World, c. 1649–1660
Patrick S. McGhee
Dispersion, Procreation and Mission: The Emergence of Protestantism in Early Modern West Africa
Martha Frederiks
The Protestant Missions to South-East Asia: Experimental Laboratory of Missionary Concepts and of Human Relations (Circa 1780–1840)
Lars Peter Laamann
Into the Wild: Early Modern Protestant Missionaries and Their Views on Animals
David Onnekink
Soteriology in Evangelical Practice: A View from the Street
Stefan Paas
Thinking Africa in Postmission Theology: Implications for Global Theological Discourse
Simon Kofi Appiah
Spiritualization of the Causes of Illness: An Analysis of the Zimbabwean-Born White Garment Churches’ Theological Position on the Origin and Treatment of Covid-19
Phillip Musoni and Ezra Chitando
World Christianity 2023: A Gendered Approach
Gina A. Zurlo, Todd M. Johnson, & Peter F. Crossing
What Has Jerusalem to Do with the Internet? World Christianity and Digital Culture
Alexander Chow
Church Digitalization and the New Koinonia in the Era of the “Internet of Things”
Sonny Eli Zaluchu
Digital Expressions of Church: The Online Identity of Free Churches as a Mirror of Their Missional Mentality
Philipp Bartholomä
In Search of Transformative Ways of Being in Mission: Introducing the Mission Spirituality Spiral
Laura Lepori & Madge Karecki
A Bias for the gospel
Mark R. Teasdale
Pathways to Belonging: An Examination of Christian Identity in Tibetan Buddhist Contexts
Jason D. Loper
Theologies of Fulfillment in a Reciprocal Study of Relationships between John Laughton and Rua Kēnana in Aotearoa New Zealand
Steve Taylor
The Missiological Challenge of the Anonymous Missionary in the Nordic Context
Jukka Kääriäinen
Translation and Theology: The Lord’s Prayer in Three Chinese Versions
Changping Zha
Jewish Bible Translations: Personalities, Passions, Politics, Progress
Philip A. Noss
Worshiping, Witnessing, and Wondering: Christian Wisdom for Participation in the Mission of God
Kirsteen Kim
Making the South Seas a “Chinese” Mission Field: Chinese Evangelical Missionaries to Southeast Asia, 1920s to 1950s
Joshua Dao Wei Sim
Ideologies and Commitments: An Analysis of Three Typical Attitudes to the Protestant Missions in the Anti-Christian Movement
Jue Wang
Constructed Identities and Potent Imaginaries: A Missiological Reflection on Mainland Chinese Ethnic and Racial Identity in a Divided and Broken World
David H. F. Ng
Remaking the Church Catholic in Post-Maoist China: The Outward Movement of Chinese Catholics and Their Collaborations with the Paris Foreign Missions
Michel Chambon
The Hatred in My Heart”: Challenges and Opportunities of Han Christian Identity in Engaging Uyghur Muslims
Michael L. Copeland
Internalized Oppression in Chinese Australian Christians and Its Mission Impact
Grace Lung
Who Am I?
Xiaoli Yang
Where Are You Going?
Xiaoli Yang
Dark Candles and Prayers
Dao Zi
IMC’s Development in Its Understanding of Evangelism and Chinese Christians’ Early Ministry in Self-Propagating the Gospel
Manhong Lin
David and Solomon: Missionaries and Churches in Ecumenical-Missionary Reflection
Wilbert van Saane
Unity that Liberates for an Embodied Mission: Ecumenism and God’s Mission in Latin America
Pablo Guillermo Oviedo
The International Missionary Council and Mission Cooperation in Tanzania’s Southern Highlands, 1916–28
Kenneth R. Ross
The 1921 Founding of the International Missionary Council in the Life of John R. Mott
Benjamin L. Hartley
The International Missionary Council: A Centennial Retrospect and Reflection
Brian Stanley
The Glocalization of Methodist Christianity in Colonial Korea: An Anthro-Missiological Study of Victor W. Peters and His Indigenous Cognition
David W. Kim & Won-il Bang
The French Response to the Actions of the International Missionary Council and the World Council of Churches Commission on World Mission and Evangelism
Jean-François Zorn & Claire Sixt-Gateuille
Pope Francis’ Theology of Mission
William P. Gregory
The Study Process of the IMC Centenary
Michael Biehl
From Spiritual to Structured Ecumenicity: A Paradigm Shift in the PEFA Church’s Approach to Ecumenism
Wanjiku Kihuha
Religious Actors, Care, and Mood in the Time of COVID-19
Jérémy Jammes & Chang-Yau Hoon
Victory in the Time of Covid: Defying a Pandemic at an Indian Megachurch
Chad Bauman
Refocusing Body, Mind and Community Interconnections: Soka Gakkai’s “Mission” and “Human Revolution” amidst the Biosocial Crisis of COVID-19
Anne Mette Fisker-Nielsen
Covid-19, Fatwas, and Socio-religious Praxis: Muhammadiyah’s Social Engagement and Mission in Coping with the Outbreak in Indonesia
Andar Nubowo
Religious Care and Moral Economy amidst COVID-19: Mimetic Consumption, Divine Vaccine and Disciplinary Trust in Brunei Darussalam
Jérémy Jammes and Chang-Yau Hoon
Becoming a People of Greater Hospitality: Catholic Practices in Pandemic-Striken Philippines
Jose Mario Francisco
Sexual Health, Morality and the Missionary Press in Britain and the South Pacific, 1795–1850
Kate Tilson
to friends, colleagues, professors, or students who might enjoy it.
For questions, comments, or suggestions, email Chris Howles
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