Dear friends,
Welcome to Mission Hits Journals #8 (July-September 2022), a quarterly posting linking you to all recent articles from 37 different journals/periodicals related to world mission and world Christianity
In this issue we welcome two recently-launched missions journals: Missional Focus (from ForMission College, UK) and The Great Commission Baptist Journal of Mission (from IMB, US).
You will find links below to 17 different journal issues, containing 143 articles. With topics ranging from missionary care in the US to poverty alleviation in Asia, and from women in West Java to missional readings of Genesis, I trust you will find something to keep you informed, inspired, and thoroughly up-to-date so that you don't miss out on anything relevant to your ministry and interests.
If you have friends, colleagues, professors, or students who might benefit from this resource, please do forward it to them. Anyone can sign up to receive Mission Hits Journals 4 times a year by clicking here.
With every blessing as you live in and live out God's great mission purposes.
In Christ,
Head of Theology (Uganda Martyrs Seminary, Namugongo)
DIS (Fuller Theological Seminary)
p.s. Why not also check out my monthly popular-level mission resources email - 'Mission Hits'. Click here for recent examples and to sign up.
(1) Global Missiology (July 2022, Vol. 19.3)
(2) Evangelical Missiological Society Journal (2022, Vol. 2.2)
(3A) Mission Frontiers (July-Aug, Vol. 44.4)
(3B) Mission Frontiers (Sep-Oct, Vol. 44.5)
(4) The International Journal of Frontier Missions (Jan-Mar 2022, Vol. 39.1)
(5A) Lausanne Global Analysis (July 2022, Vol. 11.4)
(5B) Lausanne Global Analysis (Sep 2022, Vol. 11.5)
(6) Missional Focus (Sep 2022, Vol. 1.2)
(7) Great Commission Research Journal (Fall 2022, Vol. 14.2)
(8) Great Commission Baptist Journal of Mission (Spring 2022, Vol. 1.1)
(9A) Quarterly Bulletin of the Asia Missions Association (Summer 2022, Vol. 76)
(9B) Quarterly Bulletin of the Asia Missions Association (Fall 2022, Vol. 77)
(10) Journal of Language, Culture, and Religion (Sep 2022, Vol. 3.2)
(11) Evangelical Missions Quarterly (Oct-Dec 2022, Vol. 58.4)
(12) Journal of Religion and Demography (Oct 2022, Vol. 9.1-2)
(13) Missiology: An International Review (Oct 2022, Vol. 50.4)
(14) Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies (July 2022, Vol. 39.3)
(15) Exchange: Journal of Contemporary Christianities in Context (Aug 2022, Vol. 51.2)
(16) International Bulletin of Mission Research (Oct 2022, Vol. 46.4)
(17) Journal of Asian Mission (2022, Vol. 23.1)
"Missiological Iron Sharpening"
July 2022, Vol. 19.3 (Free Access)
Facing Our Fears of Engaging Muslims and Strategies for Navigating Them (Mike Urton)
Missiological Iron Sharpening
J. Nelson Jennings
Discussing and Catalyzing Movements: An Invitation to Research, Sacrifice, and Commitment
Pam Arlund, Warrick Farah
Advancing Conversations about Proclamational and Movements Methodologies
Matt Rhodes
A Tribute to Dr. K. Rajendran: Former General Secretary, India Missions Association and Missions Secretary, World Evangelical Association
J. N. Manokaran
Facing Our Fears of Engaging Muslims and Strategies for Navigating Them
Mike Urton
Vulnerable Mission in Africa: Why Some of Today’s Intercultural Missionaries Should Restrict Themselves to Local Languages and Resources
Jim Harries
Vulnerability vs. Corinthian Values: Modern Ministry Thought and Practice at Home and Abroad
Chris Sadowitz
Jesuit Missionary Outreach during the 19th and 20th Centuries
Steven L. Estes
Early Korean Mission Strategy and Structure 1880-1940: Bridging the Gap Between Traditional Mission Methods and Church Movements
Derek Seipp, Je Kwo
2022, Vol. 2.2 (Free Access)
The Black Church and The Missio Dei: Christianizing Christians
(Jessica Janvier and Lionel King)
Professor as Mentor: The Life and Work of Sue Russell
Anthony Casey
The Black Church and The Missio Dei: Christianizing Christians
Jessica Janvier and Lionel King
The Formation of Mission Theology for the African American Missionary in the 19th Century
Kent Shaw I
The Intersectionality of Theology and Missions: Two Perspectives
Lisa P. Christian
The Significance of Blackness in Dominican Republic Short-Term Missions Work
Kurtran B. Wright
Global Missions in the Context of Urban Missiological Needs: Answering a Global Calling While Reaching American Cities
Lee P. Christian, Jr.
"The Proper Care and Nurturing of Our Mission Workers"
July-Aug 2022, Vol. 44.4 (Free Access)
The Lead Pastor’s Role in Missionary Care (Bradley Bell)
Learning How to Care for Our “Sent Ones”
Rick Wood
The Lead Pastor’s Role in Missionary Care
Bradley Bell
A Witnessed Life: Being Seen and Cared for as a Single Overseas Worker
Elizabeth George
Advocate Teams: The Local Church Caring for Missionaries
Nathan Sloan
Partners In the Gospel
Neal Pirolo
Helping Missionary Kids Thrive on Home Assignment
Valerie Williams
Member Care: The Scriptural Foundation
Neal Pirolo
Missionary Care Teams: A Personal Testimony
Elizabeth George, Rebekah & Chris Meredith
Decades of Faithful Service” An Interview with Dot Everett
Obedience to God's Word Overcomes Systemic Prejudice
The Walker Family
In Serious Pursuit of Movements
C. Anderson
Greg H. Parsons
Who is Defining the Priorities of Our Church’s Mission Efforts?
Stan Parks
"Healers and Preachers: Coming Together to Foster Movements in All Peoples"
Sep-Oct 2022, Vol. 44.5 (Free Access)
Go and Heal to Proclaim the Good News (Christoffer H. Grundmann)
Striking the Right Balance
Rick Wood
Jesus’ Holistic Paradigm
Dr. “Jason Lee”
Midwife Missionary or Missionary Midwife?
Carrie Blake
Rediscovering Health as Mission
Helen Wordsworth
Go and Heal to Proclaim the Good News
Christoffer H. Grundmann
Health-Promoting Churches
Mwai Makoka
The Vanga Story
Mike Soderling and Katherine Fountain Niles
The Seventh Station
Mike Soderling
Small Disciple-Making Habits Make a Huge Difference
C. Anderson
Jan-Mar 2022, Vol. 39.1 (Free Access)
Contextual Frameworks for Interreligious Communication: An Asian Perspective (Kang-San Tan)
Contextual Frameworks for Interreligious Communication: An Asian Perspective
Kang-San Tan
Answering the Call to Inreligionisation
H. L. Richard
Rethinking Mission in an Asian Context
Notto R. Thelle
Assessing the Effectiveness of “Inreligionisation” for Interreligious Communication
Alan R. Johnson
Can Cambodian Christians “Worship” their Parents? A Hermeneutical Dialogue
Claire T. C. Chong and Tep Samnang
The Model is the Message
Ronald and Carolyn Klaus
July 2022, Vol. 11.4 (Free Access)
Prosperity, Health, and Human Flourishing in Africa (J. Kwabena Asamoah-Gyadu)
Working for Freedom in a World of Exploitation and Trafficking
Marion L. S. Carson
A Holistic Approach to Poverty Alleviation in Asia
Kumar Aryal
Prosperity, Health, and Human Flourishing in Africa
J. Kwabena Asamoah-Gyadu
Why Pentecostalism Has Succeeded among Animists
Julie Ma
Sep 2022, Vol. 11.5 (Free Access)
God’s Work of Transformation in the World (Rupen Das)
God’s Work of Transformation in the World
Rupen Das
The Arts Are Not a Universal Language
Héber Negrão
The Critical Role of Christian Artists and Musicians in Missions
Byron L. Spradlin
Proclaiming an Offensive Gospel in Cultures of Peace
Michael Hart
"Reflecting on the Five Marks of Mission"
Sep 2022, Vol. 1.2 (Free Access)
‘Can’t Someone Else Do It?’ Reflections on living out the Five Marks of Mission as Good News Habits (Chris Duffett)
Pursuing Peace and Reconciliation
Stuart Murray Williams
‘Can’t Someone Else Do It?’ Reflections on living out the Five Marks of Mission as Good News Habits
Chris Duffett
Out -Reach and In-Reach: Living Mission According to the Iona Community Rule of Life
Ruth Harvey
The Five Marks of Mission as Spiritual Formation Reflective Practices
Andy Hardy
Summing up Views on the Five Marks of Mission
Carol Clarke
Fall 2022 , Vol. 14.2 (Free Access)
Not Interested: Communicating with Those Indifferent to the Gospel (Jay Moon)
Church-Based Research: Using Theories, Concepts, and Operationalizations
David R. Dunaetz
Competing Notions of Humility: Why Korean Americans Do Not Need to Abandon Confucius to Get to Christ
Eunice Hong and Max Botner
Applying Paul’s Areopagus Model to Generation Z
Tanita Maddox
Not Just the Sinner’s Prayer: People’s Experiences with “Stranger-Evangelism”
Ken Nehrbass
Forming Saints in a Digital Context
Mark Teasdale
Apologetics and Disability: Reframing Our Response to the Question of Suffering
Rochelle Scheuermann
Gerontic Evangelism
Yakubu Jakada
Not Interested: Communicating with Those Indifferent to the Gospel
Jay Moon
My Journey in Church Growth
Elmer Towns
"Revisiting the Missionary Task"
Spring 2022, Vol. 1.1 (Free Access)
Healthy Church Formation: The Vehicle and Goal of Missions (Kevin Rodgers)
Foundations of Missiology
Zane Pratt
Entry: Beginning Well
Bill Macman
Evangelism: Sharing the Gospel in Community
Lucy Witten
Discipleship: The Need for Qualitative Analysis
Jonathan Martyn
Healthy Church Formation: The Vehicle and Goal of Missions
Kevin Rodgers
Leadership Development: Re-enforcing Healthy Churches and Preparing for Exit
W. Mark Johnson
Exit: Training and Trusting
Preston Pearce
Urgency and Healthy Church Planting
Chuck Lawless
Summer 2022, Vol. 76 (Free Access)
Caring for Global Mission Workers: Burning Out Burnout (Hyon Kim)
Caring for Global Mission Workers: Burning Out Burnout
Hyon Kim
Ten Common Challenges
Jacky Lau
My Journey in Member Care
Meg Alag
The Power of Prayer in Missionary Care
Suraja Raman
Is Inclusivism Biblical?
Takaaki Hara
Migration, Diaspora and ICs
Fall 2022, Vol. 77 (Free Access)
Urban Poor Mission (Raineer Chu)
Urban Missions Transformation and Bangladesh
Shankar Shikdar
Urban Poor Mission
Raineer Chu
The Pandemic's Impact on Urban Churches in China Today
David Lim
Planting in All Seasons: Personal Reflection
Tony Vic Tira
Leadership or Servanthood?
Hwa Yung
House Church Planting in Bashkortostan, Russia
Christopher Carr
Sep 2022, Vol. 3.2 (Free Access)
Standing to Answer Stephen's Lament: A Reappraisal of Why Jesus Stands in Acts 7:55-56
Channing L. Crisler
Processing Pain Through Artistry: Old Testament Poetry of Exile and Ezekiel 19
Katie Hoogerheide Frost & Joshua L. Harper
Covid-19 Revisited: A Socio-Religious and Pragmatic Perspective
Mahmoud A. Al-Khatib
The Role of Ishmael in the Divine Drama: Act 1
Mark Harlan
The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth: Deciphering Meaning Through Lavers of Context
Kevin L. Moore
"Gen Z"
Oct-Dec 2022, Vol. 58.4 (Subscription Access)
Engaging Gen Z in the Gospel and Mission
Heather Pubols
Bringing Open Hearts to Engage Generation Z
James Choung and Mary Tindall
Helping Generation Z Flourish and be Catalysts for God’s Mission
René and Sarah Breuel and Mary Tindall
What Research Reveals about Generation Z
Patricia Savage
Paul’s Ministry in Greece as a Paradigm for Our Ministry Among Gen Z
Hélder Favarin
Diffusion of Youth Ministry
Anthony J. Gryskiewicz
Three Strategies for Engaging Gen Z in Missions
Jolene Erlacher
Do Missions Conferences Matter?
Evi Rodemann
Go Digital Before It’s Too Late
Andrew Feng and Nick Wu
Mobilizing Gen Z – A Biblical Theology
Kyle Benner
Transforming Frames of Marginalization
John Trotter
A Balanced Framework
Tim Crouch with Mark and Cinda Wood
Inviting Gen Z to Serve
Amanda Roozeboom
The Promise of the Open Generation
Daniel Copeland and Alyce Youngblood
Oct 2022, Vol. 9.1-2 (Subscription Access)
The World by Religion
Todd M. Johnson and Peter F. Crossing
Religions by Continent
Todd M. Johnson and Peter F. Crossing
Modeling Fuzzy Fidelity: Using Microsimulation to Explore Age, Period, and Cohort Effects in Secularization
Ivan Puga-Gonzalez, David Voas, Lukasz Kiszkiel, Rachel J. Bacon, Wesley J. Wildman, Konrad Talmont-Kaminski, and F. LeRon Shults
Threat or Godsend? Evangelicals and Democracy in Latin America
Matthew Blanton
Oct 2022, Vol. 50.4 (Subscription Access)
Trees, Stolen Gods, and Becoming Egyptian: Reading Genesis Missionally
Andrew Tompkins
Missionary Theology and The Peopling of Pre-Columbian America: John Oxenbridge’s “A Plea for The Dumb Indian” (Ca. 1666)
Richard W. Cogley
Revisiting The Person of Peace: A Response to A. Matthews
Magnus Robinson
The Genesis and Evolution of Church-Planting Movements Missiology
Warrick Farah
Perceptions Of Juche Ideology by Expats in North Korea: A Qualitative Study
Robert Holmes And Eunice Hong
Atonement Impasse: The Perennial Problem of Communicating Christ’s Atonement To Muslims
Matthew Aaron Bennett
What Led Asian American Buddhist Background Believers in Hawaii to Become Christian: A Grounded Theory Study
Kelly Michael Hilderbrand
Bridging Or Breaking: An Ethic of Communication for Missional Engagement
Phil Zarns
The Motivations, Backgrounds, And Practices of Business as Mission Practitioners: Insights from An International Survey
Steve Rundle And Min-Dong Paul Lee
July 2022, Vol. 39.3 (Subscription Access)
African Pentecostal Churches and Racialized Xenophobia: International Migrants as Agents of Transformational Development?
Elina Hankela, Ignatius Swart and Clementine Nishimwe
An African Response to Karl Barth's Notion of Evil as Nothingness
Rowland Onyenali
Editing the Story of Life in the Experience of Grief: An Intercultural Pastoral Care of the Nias Church in Indonesia
Alokasih Gulo, Bambang Subandrijo and Simon Rachmadi
From ‘Selves’ to ‘One Another’: A Hospitable Proposal for a Post-Colonial Missions Paradigm of Interdependence
Alan Howell
An Exploration of Christianity in Northeast India in the Emerging Political Context: Trials and Opportunities
Lalfakawma Ralte
The Impact of Reformed Theological Seminary, Mkar: The Unfinished Agenda on Public Theology
Philip Tachin
Aug 2022, Vol. 51.2 (Subscription Access)
Pentecostalized and Pillarized. Neo-Dhimmitude and the Religious Market in Kuwait
Benjamin Crace
Nederlandsch Zendingsvereeniging’s Efforts to Improve the Position of Women in the Society of West Java
Amos Sukamto
From a Uniform to a Multiform Understanding of Church. Foundations of Exchange in the Preconciliar Missiology of Jean Bruls
Toon Ooms
Father Anastasius Odaye Dogli (1888–1970) and the Inception of Indigenous Catholic Clergy in Ghana
Michael Kodzo Mensah
Oct 2022, Vol. 46.4 (Subscription Access)
World Christianity: Now “in Season”
Craig A. Noll
Lift High the Cross: The Visual Message of Popular Chinese Christianity
Daryl R. Ireland and David Li
Around the World in 283 Days: Traveling with the Laymen’s Foreign Missions Inquiry Commission of Appraisal
Peggy Bowler Lindsey
Asia Pacific Theological Association: Three Decades of Contribution toward Pentecostal Research and Ministry Training
Denise A. Austin and John F. Carter
A Case Study in Indigeneity in the Philippines: Looking Back at a 1930s Effort to Do Missions Using Indigenous Church Principles
Marcus W. Dean
Muslim-Christian Relations and Collaborative Efforts to Build Indonesia
Amos Sukamto
The Gathering of Scattered Israel: The Missional Enterprise of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Ronald E. Bartholomew
Protestant Missionaries’ Understanding of and Attitude toward African Religion in Colonial Malawi
Dorothy Tembo
Ecumenism of Blood and Christian Churches in Contemporary Nigeria
Adolphus Ekedimma Amaefule
Tracking the Statistical Center of Global Seventh-day Adventism, from 1863 to the Present
Gabriel Masfa
The Legacy of Ellen G. White in Africa
Gabriel Masfa
Syncretism and Christian Tradition: Race and Revelation in the Study of Religious Mixture
Stephen Bevans
2022, Vol. 23.1. (Subscription Access)
Oral Bible Translation: How Understanding the Neurosciences Helps
Romerlito C. Macalinao
An Analysis of Chinese Filipino Hybrid Identity from Postwar to Present: The Instiks, The Tsinoys, And the Chinoynials
Juliet Lee Uytanlet
From Burial to Cremation: The Cultural Challenge for The Nepali Church
Ram Kumar Budhathoki
Kwang Soon Lee: A Missiologist with Influence
Hansung Kim
to friends, colleagues, professors, or students who might enjoy it.
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