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Mission Hits Journals #4 (July-Sep 2021)

Writer's picture: From Every Nation (Chris Howles)From Every Nation (Chris Howles)

Dear friends,

Welcome to Mission Hits Journals #4 (July-September 2021), a quarterly post linking you to all recent articles from 33 different journals/periodicals related to world mission and world Christianity.

I trust this will keep you informed, inspired, and thoroughly up-to-date, so that you don't miss out on anything relevant to your ministry and interests.

If you have friends, colleagues, professors, or students who might benefit from this resource, please do forward this to them and encourage them to sign up to. They can do so by clicking here.

In Christ,

Chris (Howles)

Head of Theology (Uganda Martyrs Seminary, Namugongo)

Doctoral candidate (Fuller Theological Seminary)

p.s. 'Mission Hits Journals' is a ministry of Why not also sign up there to receive 'Mission Hits', a bimonthly/fortnightly non-academic mission resources email - Click here for recent examples and to sign up.


MISSION HITS JOURNALS #4 (July-September 2021)


(1) Global Missiology

(2) Mission Round Table

(3) Missionalia

(4) The Missionary Mobilization Journal

(5A) Mission Frontiers

(5B) Mission Frontiers

(6) Quarterly Bulletin of the Asia Missions Association

(7A) Lausanne Global Analysis

(7B) Lausanne Global Analysis

(8) ANVIL: A Journal of Theology and Mission

(9) Evangelical Missiological Society Journal

(10) The International Journal of Frontier Missions


(11) Evangelical Missions Quarterly

(12) International Bulletin of Mission Research

(13) Missiology: An International Review

(14) Journal of World Christianity

(15A) Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies

(15B) Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies

(16) Great Commission Research Journal


July 2021, Vol. 18.3 (Free Access)

Keep the Embers Alive

Wanjiru M. Gitau

Global South Reverse Mission in Europe: An Examination of the Limiting Factors and Prospects

Sandro G. de Oliveira

The Trouble with Kindness in the Acts of the Apostles

Paul Hertig

God’s Plan for the Fullness of Time: Overhauling Ralph Winter’s “Ten Epochs” and “Three Eras” Models (Part III)

J. Nelson Jennings


"Innovation and Mission"

Jan-April 2021, Vol. 16.1 (Free Access)

Christian Mission and Innovation: The Experience of CIM/OMF in History, the Present, and the Future

Walter McConnel

A First Look at the Culture of Innovation within OMF


Taiwan OMF: Seventy Years of Innovation to Keep on Doing the Same Thing

David Eastwood

A Call to Innovate: Our Vision Demands It

Andrew Goodman

A Field Director’s Musings about Innovation in OMF Thailand

Ulrich Kohler

Innovating Integral Mission

Sarah Hoskins

From Darkness into His Wonderful Light


Moving Towards a More Fully Orbed Theology of “Being Jesus to Others”

Dale Viljoen

Experiment—Learn—Reflect—Make Policy: Reflections on the Early Days of Missional Business in OMF

Ian Prescott

Getting Out of God’s Way: Innovation During the Global Pandemic

Nathaniel Jennings

Conversion Growth in Akha Churches

Asholi Akamu, Kitsada Chahae and Neel Roberts


2021, Vol. 49.1 (Free Access)

From the Margins to the Centre: Commercialisation of Religion - Threat or an Opportunity in Pentecostalism?

Daniel Nicolaas Andrew

African Pentecostal Mission and New Religious Movements: A critical scrutiny of threats and opportunities to evangelization in dialogue with Allan Heaton An

Themba Shingange

Schisms within Congolese Pentecostalism Towards a Biblical Response

Jesse Fungwa Kipimo

Missional and indigenization nexus Assemblies of God and Grace Bible Church in South Africa

Kelebogile Thomas Resane

Zionist ‘syncretism’ in the Apostolic Faith Mission of South Africa before the 1970s A comparative analysis

Thabang Richard Mofokeng

Ndadhinhiwa (I am fed up): A Missiological Framing of the Gendered Notions of African Pentecostalism in Zimbabwe

Molly Manyonganise

Caught between the sacred and the secular: The Pentecostal Pastor as a Leader in a World in Constant Flux

Malesela Jan Masenya


"The Role of Diversity in Mobilization"

July 2021, Vol. 1.2 (Free Access)

Mobilizing the Black Church for Global Missions

Melva L. Henderson

Repentance: A Potential Catalyst for Ethnic Minority Mobilization

Richard Coleman

Mobilizing the Next Generation: The Role of Media in the Filipino Context

Joshua Chew

Partnership with the Global South: The Future of Missions

David D. Ruiz

The Strategic Importance of Mobilizing the Retiree

Vicky Warren

Inclusive Mission: God is Removing Obstacles and Calling Us to Join Him

Dave Deuel


"Innovation in Missions"

July/August 2021 (Free access)

Innovation Grounded in the Spirituality of Frontier Mission

Paul Dzubinski and Steven Spicer

Transformation in Community: Discerning Innovative Ways Forward in Missions

Paul Dzubinski and Steven Spicer

Doing Contextualization in Cambodia: Communities of Dialogical Practice

Claire TC Chong

Wordly Collective: Building a Collaborative Ecosystem for Minority Language Community Flourishing

Steven Spicer and Melvyn Mak

Rich Soil for Spiritual Innovation

Joan and Ed McManness

‘Little Drops, Mighty Ocean’: An African Case Study in Partnership

Victor M. Tukura

Design Thinking: Designed for Missions

Brent McHugh

Accelerating Transformation

Ryan Crozier

The Discipline of Innovation: Approaching Planning Differently

Derek T. Seipp

Is This China’s Final Solution for the Uyghurs?

Keith Carey

Toward the Edges: Innovation in a Multi-cultural Setting

Kevin Higgins

The Person, Not the Method: An Essential Ingredient for Catalyzing a Movement

Emanuel Prinz with Dave Coles


"Is the World Still a Waffle?"

September/October 2021 (Free access)

Is The World Still A Waffle?

Dan Scribner

People Group Lists and the Challenge of Growing Complexity

Dan Scribner

Seeing the Unreached World As It Really Is

Paul Hattaway

How People Group Information Impacted a Mission Agency

Tim Freeman

People Group Information in an African Context

George Gumah

More Lists, More Data, More Possibilities

Rodrigo Tinoco

Fresh Vision for the Great Commission

Danny Weiss

People Groups and the Nigeria Evangelical Missions Association

Adeoluwa Olanrewaju

Why South Asia People Group Data Looks So Different

Bill Morrison

Urbanization and Measuring the Remaining Task

Justin Long

Response to Urbanization and Measuring the Remaining Task

Dave Earl Datema

Are Current People Group Presentations Engaging the Next Generation?

Andrew Feng

A Small Shift with Potential Significant Impact: Viewing Peoples Globally

Dan Scribner

People Groups 50 Years Later?

Kevin Higgins

Translation Quality and Scripture Impact for ‘Last Mile’ Bible Translations

Stan Parks

How Possible Is It to Multiply Rapidly and Still Make Healthy Disciples?

C. Anderson


July 2021, Vol. 72 (Free Access)

Reaching Out in Many Ways

Timothy K. Park

Sex Trafficking and Slavery in South East Asia: To Free the Captives

James Langteau and Timothy D. Dunham

Leveraging International Migrant Flow

Harvey Thiessen with Alena Popova

Jesus' Missional Teaching Ministry in the Gospel of Matthew

Jae Suk Lee

The Essence of Strategic Prayer in the Lives of the Believers

Lizzy Iweala

Online Tools to Maximize the Good News During the Covid 19 Crisis

Sadiri Joy Tira

Things I Learned from My Digital World Journey

Philip Yan


July 2021, Vol. 10.4 (Free access)

Beyond Edinburgh 2010

Kirsteen Kim

Are Foreigners Still Needed in the Age of Indigenous Mission?

Kirst Rievan

Five Biblical Commands for Men and Women Partnering in the Gospel

Chad and Leslie Neal Segraves

Gender-Based Violence and the Church

Analía Saracco


September 2021, Vol. 10.5 (Free access)

Christianity in the UK

Peter Brierley

Reaching Israelis in Berlin

Aaron Lewin

Growing Churches in Hostile Contexts

Phill Butler

When Leaders Drink Tea Together

Mary Ho


"Mission and Shame"

July 2021, Vol. 37.2 (Free Access)

Perspectives on Shame in Mission and Ministry with Young People

Sally Nash

Reflections from the Pottery

Trevor Withers

Legacies and Chains: Structuring Shame in the African Caribbean

Carlton Turner

Shame, Reconciliation and the Pioneer

Catherine Matlock

Whose Honour? Whose Shame? Some Reflections on the Bible

Judith Rossall


2021, Vol. 1.2 (Free Access)

Missiologist as Vocational Calling: The Life and Work of Robert J. Priest

Anthony Casey

Mission at and from the Lord’s Table: A Eucharistic Foundation for Mission

Edward L. Smither

Suffering and Intercession: Pauline Missionary Methods as a Paradigm for the Future of Evangelical Mission

Abeneazer Urga

Toward a Spirit-Led Orthopathy of Mission: Simultaneous Vectors

Phil Zarns

Augustine and the BMB Church of Algeria

Pat Brittenden

Mission in the Changing Youth Culture of Sub-Saharan Africa

Michael Sallu


Jan-June 2021, Vol 38.1-2 (Free Access)

Cultural Dimensions of Financial Accounting Systems

Mary Lederleitner

The Gospel of John as Missiological Theology

Michael T. Cooper

Becoming Nikkei: A Comparative Study of Diasporic Japanese Dekasegi Christian Communities

Gary Fujino

Clarifying Insider "Ekklésia": An Historical Review of Key Issues

S.T. Antonio

Institutionalizing a Culture of Innovation

Derek T.Seipp

Hindu Dharma and Experiencing God

Timothy Shultz


July-Sep 2021, Vol. 57. 3 (Subscription access)

Daughters of the Great Commission Speak Out

Marvin J. Newell

Missiology as a Discipline: Its Dimensions and Scope

Simone Mulieri Twibell

Rethinking Trust as a Fundamental of Mission

Cathy Hine

Church Planting in Hard Places: Research Reveals the Strength of a Next-Gen Focused Church Planting Strategy

Patricia Savage and Tena Stone

When Missionaries Are Locked Out of Their Fields

Julie Ma

Practicing Cultural Humility

Miriam Sinclair

Blessing: Baraka in Popular Culture and in the Bible

Moyra Dale

The Role of Mission Organizations in Missionary Well-Being

Kimberly Drage

How Should Christians Respond Rightly to Risk?: Developing a Theology of Risk and Practical Risk-Responses for Missional Christians

Autumn Chen

Cross-Cultural Leadership

Deb McQuilkin

Sinach’s “I Know Who I Am”: Progress Prosperity as Discipleship

Tamie S. Davis

Re-Thinking Mobilization

Jenn Williamson

Ministry Among Muslim Women: Distinctive Voices, Themes, and Approaches

Louise Simon


October 2021, Vol. 45.4 (Subscription access)

Making Your Grave with the People

Thomas John Hastings

Andrew Finlay Walls (1928–2021)

Brian Stanley

Divine Epidemiologists: Christianity, Faith, and Public Health

in Africa, 1918–2021

J. Kwabena Asamoah-Gyadu

COVID-19 and the Mission of the Church: Some Notes on

the New Normal

Iman Jaya Zandroto

Translation in the Twenty-First Century: Who Needs Scripture?

Michel Kenmogne

Mission for the Ages: How Christian Widows Are Shaping the

Future of Christian Missions in Northern Nigeria

Sung Bauta

Racism Awareness in Mission: Touchstone or Cultural Blind Spot?

Kirsteen Kim

Religious Freedom: Freedom of Conversion or Freedom from


Aruthuckal Varughese John

Christianity in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands

Emily DeWitt

The Synod on Young People, a Laboratory of Synodality

Nathalie Becquart

Mission Rediscovered: Transforming Discipleship;

A Commentary on the Arusha Call to Discipleship

Stephen Bevans


July 2021, Vol. 49.3 (Subscription access)

Jesus, Friend of Sinners: A Three-Party Kerygmatic Model of Mission

John S Shorack

Biblical Theology for Oral-Preference Communities

Andrew Buchanan

“A place Without Peace is No Place At All”: Violence, Fear, and the Paz do Senhor in Mozambique

Alan Byron Howell and Robert Andrew Montgomery

Healing from Shame: Possible and Desirable?

Andrea Campanale

Immigrant Believers From Muslim Backgrounds and Factors That Facilitate a Positive Christian Identity

Alan Totire

Does God Care About Fashion?

Dwi Maria Handayani


2021, Vol. 11.2 (Subscription access)

Introduction: Currents, Perspectives, and Ethnographic Methodologies for World Christianity

Afe Adogame, Raimundo C. Barreto and Richard Fox Young

Why Reflexive Ethnography Matters to the Study of World Christianity

James Spickard

“Studying Up” in World Christianity: A Feminist Analysis of Caste and Settler Colonialism

Sonja Thomas

The Visible and Less-visible World: Social Ethnography in the Study of World Christianity

Anderson H. M. Jeremiah

World Christianity: Toward a Visual Turn

Henrietta Nyamnjoh

A Sound Ethnography

Pauline Elaine Muir

Surveying Taiwanese Christianity: The Taiwan Christianity Surveys in Conversation with World Christianity

Jonathan Seitz

Black Identities, Contemporary Literature, and Afro-diasporic Traditions

Felipe Fanuel Xavier Rodrigues


April 2021, Vol. 38.2 (Subscription access)

John Wesley, Compassionate Entrepreneur: A Wesleyan View of Business and Entrepreneurship

W. Jay Moon, Banseok Cho and Nickolas Bettis

Apocalypse, Authority, and Allegiance: Interpreting Symbols and Revelation in Mozambique

Alan Howell and Garrett Best

Ethical Theories and Approaches to Immigration in the United States: A Focus on Undocumented Immigrants

Alex Sackey-Ansah

The Crucifixion in the Qur’an: Answering Muslim’s Claims Regarding the Death of Jesus Christ

Sherene Nicholas Khouri

“The Migrated Others”: Mission as Practicing Compassionate Presence

Maraike Joanna Belle Bangun


July 2021, Vol. 38.3 (Subscription access)

Majority World Theologies

Allen Yeh

Polycentric Theology, Mission, and Mission Leadership

Kenneth Ross

Polycentric mission leadership: Toward a New Theoretical model

Joseph W. Handley, Jr

Navigating Leadership Challenges in a Polycentric World

Mary T. Lederleitner

A Case Study: A Journey of Leading in Polycentric Theory and Practice in Mission

Kirk Franklin


"Innovation in Churches"

Fall 2021, Vol. 13.2 (Subscription Access)

Innovation in Churches: A Theoretical Framework

David R. Dunaetz

Introduction to Special Section: Innovations in Churches During the COVID-19 Pandemic

David R. Dunaetz

The Quarantine Olympics of Cultivate Church in Athens, Alabama

Joel Franks

Storytelling the Gospel in Hungary: Zooming in on an Ancient Mode of Communication

Keith Sellers

Digital Monastic Communities at Sumter Chapel, Americus, Georgia

Drew Anderson

Making Online Children’s Ministry Interactive in Wheaton, Illinois

Eric Norregaard and Ping Ng

Quick Responses to Community Needs in Two Churches During the Pandemic

Brad Ransom and Edward E. Moody

Innovations in a Nursing Home Ministry

H. L. Ward Jr.

Identifying Current Gaps in Church Planting Movements Research: Integrating First- and Second-Order Perspectives

Warrick Farah

Sharing Jesus with Muslims: A Survey of Church Leaders in Africa

Akimana Canisius and Gordon S. Bonham

Innovativeness and Church Commitment: What Innovations Were Most Important During the Pandemic?

Anna Covarrubias, David R. Dunaetz, and Wendi Dykes McGehee


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who you think would enjoy this.


For questions, comments, or suggestions, email Chris Howles

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