Dear missiologists,
Welcome to Mission Hits JOURNALS #10!
This edition covers new journal editions released between February and May 2023. It contains links to 31 different journal editions, from 26 different publications, containing 208 new papers and articles about an incredibly diverse set of topics surrounding world mission and world Christianity today. Truly, something for everyone!
Significantly, 20 out of these 31 editions are completely without cost online. Remarkable, really, to have free (and instantaneous) access to such top quality missiological wealth!
Allow me to welcome three journals to our 'fold' that haven't appeared here before:
(1) Seedbed (focussing on church-planting efforts among the unreached)
(2) Ethnodoxology (focussing on arts and faith in world Christianity)
(3) Oxford Journal for Intercultural Mission (focusing on intercultural mission and ministry in the Church of England, but obviously with much wider relevance).
To see the full list of featured journals, to see past editions, and to learn more about Mission Hits JOURNALS (a ministry of fromeverynation.net) please click here.
Please let me know if there are ways that this ministry might be more useful to you, of if there are relevant journals I've accidentally missed off!
Can I ask just one thing of you please? If you have friends, colleagues, professors, or students who might enjoy this, please forward it to them. Anyone can sign up simply by clicking here.
With every blessing as you live in and live out God's great mission purposes.
In Christ,
Head of Theology (Uganda Martyrs Seminary, Namugongo), DIS Fuller Theological Seminary.
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(1) Global Missiology (April 2023, Vol. 20.2)
(2A) Evangelical Missiological Society Journal (2023, Vol. 3.1)
(2B) Evangelical Missiological Society Journal (2023, Vol. 3.2)
(3) Great Commission Baptist Journal of Mission (Spring 2023, Vol. 2.1)
(4A) Mission Frontiers (March-April, Vol. 45.2)
(4B) Mission Frontiers (May-June, Vol. 45.3)
(5) Journal of Global Christianity (April 2023, Vol. 8.1)
(6A) Lausanne Global Analysis (March 2023, Vol. 12.2)
(6B) Lausanne Global Analysis (May 2023, Vol. 12.3)
(7) Journal of African Missiology (Dec 2022, Vol.7.1)
(8) Missional Focus (Feb 2023, Vol. 2.1)
(9) Mission Round Table (Dec 2022, Vol. 17.2)
(10) Great Commission Research Journal (Spring 2023, Vol. 15.1)
(11) ANVIL: A Journal of Theology and Mission (May 2023, Vol. 39.1)
(12) Oxford Journal for Intercultural Mission (Spring 2023, Vol. 1)
(13) Seedbed (Oct 2022, Vol 33.2)
(14) Quarterly Bulletin of the Asia Missions Association (Spring 2023, Vol. 79)
(15) Ethnodoxology: Global Forum on Arts and Christian Faith (2022, Vol. 10)
(16) Journal of Mother-Tongue Biblical Hermeneutics and Theology (Mar-Apr 2023, Vol. 5.3-4)
(17) Journal of Language, Culture, and Religion (March 2023, Vol. 4.1)
(18) Evangelical Missions Quarterly (April-June 2023, Vol. 59.2)
(19A) Studies in World Christianity (March 2023, Vol. 29.1)
(19B) Studies in World Christianity (July 2023, Vol. 29.2)
(20) Missiology: An International Review (April 2023, Vol. 51.2)
(21A) Australian Journal of Mission Studies (Dec 2022, Vol. 16.2)
(21B) Australian Journal of Mission Studies (June 2023, Vol. 17.1)
(22) Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies (Apr 2023, Vol. 40.2)
(23) Journal of World Christianity (Feb 2023, Vol. 13.1)
(24) International Bulletin of Mission Research (April 2023, Vol. 47.2)
(25) Mission Studies (April 2023, Vol. 40.1)
(26) Social Sciences and Missions (April 2023, Vol. 36.1-2)
"Theological Education and Mission"
April 2023, Vol. 20.2 (Free Access)
The Role of Formal Theological Education in Missiological Strategies in Honor/Shame Contexts (Anna Daub)
Theological Education and Mission
Gloria S. Tseng
A Giant on Clay Legs? African Theological Education and the Formation of Missiocentric, Missionary-sending Church Leaders
Chris Howles
The Role of Formal Theological Education in Missiological Strategies in Honor/Shame Contexts
Anna Daub
Prophets in the Seminary: The Prophetic Function as a Means of Maintaining Missional Focus in Theological Education
Matthew D. Hirt
Rethinking Reproducibility: An Equipping Model for Missionary Theological Educators
Phil Barnes, Will Brooks
Strengthening Spiritual Reconciliation through Theological Education: A Soul-Forming Conversation
Omar Palafox
Eyewitness Accounts of the “Asbury Outpouring”
Lalsangkima Pachuau, Craig S. Keener
"Contemporary Issues in Evangelical Missiology"
2023, Vol. 3.1 (Free Access)
Lives that Welcome: How a Non-Western Understanding of Hospitality Can Revitalize the American Church’s Fellowship and Outreach (Jessica A. Udall)
The Jesus of “He Gets Us”: Sorting Our Christology
Michael T. Cooper and Matthew S. Harbour
Lives that Welcome: How a Non-Western Understanding of Hospitality Can Revitalize the American Church’s Fellowship and Outreach
Jessica A. Udall
Conversion to Christ as Spiritual Migration
Gene Daniels
A Purpose Set Forth in Christ: God’s Mission of Reconciliation in Ephesians 1–2
Philip Crouse
Creating Paths for Transformational Conversion: The Church Discipleship Matrix
Frank Liesen
Christian Zionism: A Missiological Emergency
Mark Larlan
How Does Social Identity Research Inform Evangelical Missiology?
David R. Dunaetz
The Role of Theological Institutions in Missionary Training
Arthur Lin
"Current Issues in Communication and Mission in Canada"
2023, Vol. 3.2 (Free Access)
The Body Tells the Tale: Communicating the Gospel through the Reconciled Local Church (Phil Wagler)
They Will Know We Are Christians by our Scars: The Preacher’s Body in Pauline Missiology
Stuart Van Koh (pseud)
The Body Tells the Tale: Communicating the Gospel through the Reconciled Local Church
Phil Wagler
Understanding Arts as Language
Lorn Gieck
Opportunities for Workplace Ministry in Canada
James Bruyn
Do We Bible Translators (and Bible Translation Agencies) Know When We Have Succeeded?
Doug Trick, Holly Butler
"Perspectives on Healthy Church Formation"
Spring 2023, Vol. 2.1 (Free Access)
The Responsibility of the Local Church in Discerning Missionary Call (Ricky Don Wilhelm)
The Importance of the Five Roles and the Movement Strengthening Strategist in Networks of Multiplying Churches
Todd Lafferty
Making the Most of the Gathered Church How A Church’s Liturgy Shapes Spiritual Formation and Growth
Anthony Written
The Role of Women in Healthy Church Formation
Madeline Arthington
Congregationalism for a Church Plant in the Confucian Culture
Paul Luo
The Responsibility of the Local Church in Discerning Missionary Call
Ricky Don Wilhelm
Beyond Memorial Toward a Richer Understanding of the Lord's Supper through Synthesis of Spiritual Presence, Human Participation, and Physical Media
Charles Davidson
The Dynamic Nature of the Gospel of the Kingdom of God How Acts Lays a Sure Foundation for the Mission of the Church
Ross Frierson
Treasuring the Church
Beverly Cooper
"Women in Mission: The Quiet Majority"
Mar-Apr 2023, Vol. 45.2 (Free Access)
Develop and Implement a Contextual Prayer Strategy (Jean Coles)
House of Hope
Anita Rahma
Praying with Purpose During Ramadan
Friendships Can Be Complicated
Denise Beck
What Can a Single Woman Do When She Goes with God?
Marti Wade
Develop and Implement a Contextual Prayer Strategy
Jean Coles
6 Signs of a Missionary Growth Mindset
Amy Young
Stick Figure Storying
Pam Arlund
A Leaf on a River
Eunice De Lara
Lifting the Veil on Global Issues and Gender Diversity
Wendy Wilson
Chinese Women Led the 20th Century Revivalist Movements
Leanne M. Dzubinski and Anneke H. Stasson
Embracing Spiritual Motherhood
Suzy Grumelot
A Special Call as Female Practitioners & Leaders?
C. Anderson
All In for ALL Peoples
R. Nyman
Opportunities in the Neighborhood
Sue Patt
Kingdom Single
V.J. Althouse
"The Gospel Goes Digital"
May-June 2023, Vol. 45.3 (Free Access)
Permission to Journey Together (Liam Savage)
Digital Opportunity in Missions Work
Paul Rattray
We Are All Digital Missionaries
Mark Appleton
Permission to Journey Together
Liam Savage
From New York City to Rio de Janeiro
Rachel Larsen
Digital Outreach
Kurt von der Linden
Every Tongue and Nation
Jeremy Weber
A Hackathon for Global Missions
Andrew Feng
Toward the Edges
Kevin Higgins
Translation Quality and Scripture Impact for “Last Mile” Bible Translations
Stanley B. Parks
In the Post-Covid World, Online Training Opportunities Continue to Grow
Cynthia Anderson
April 2023, Vol. 8.1 (Free Access)
From Grace to Guilt Trip: Misunderstandings in Biblical Patronage by Asian Christians (Jerry Hwang)
Orality’s Breadth and Depth
Jonathan Worthington
From Grace to Guilt Trip: Misunderstandings in Biblical Patronage by Asian Christians
Jerry Hwang
Exorcism and the Structure of Mark’s Gospel
Mark D. Batluck
The Changing Notion of Truth in the West and Implications for Christian Ministry in Africa
Roydon Frost
Grace Life College and Seminary Graduation Message: A Theology of Transformation
Sylvain Allaboe
March 2023, Vol. 12.2 (Free Access)
Rethinking Contextualization in Cameroon (Emmanuel Oumarou)
Taking Church to People with Disabilities
Dave Deuel
The Transformative Power of Deep Listening
Xiaoli Yang
Utilizing Indigenous Cultural Traits for Cross-Cultural Missions
Paul Sungro Lee
Rethinking Contextualization in Cameroon
Emmanuel Oumarou
May 2023, Vol. 12.3 (Free Access)
The Whole World and the Unreached (Joshua Bogunjoko)
A Radical Vision of the Whole Church
Wonsuk Ma
The Whole Gospel and Community Organizing
Alexia Salvatierra
The Whole World and the Unreached
Joshua Bogunjoko
Missions in a Post-COVID World
Kirst Rievan
Dec 2022, Vol.7.1 (Free Access)
Jesus As Proto-Ancestor (Joseph Ola)
Cross-Cultural Friendships by Members of The Church of Pentecost with White British People in The United Kingdom: A Key to Effective Evangelism?
John Neate
Empowering The Woman as An Indicator of The Socio-Political Impact of New Christianity in Africa
Heglon Kitawi
Yes, Your Church Can Be Multilingual (And It Probably Should Be)
Jonathan Downie
World Christianity and South-South Migrations: The Case of Congolese Evangelical Migrants in Burundi
Vianney Bitariho
Jesus As Proto-Ancestor
Joseph Ola
Feb 2023, Vol. 2.1 (Free Access)
A Young Generation Chosen by God to Make a Difference (Evi Rodemann)
The Future Engagement Of Youth in Mission
Danielle Face
A Young Generation Chosen by God to Make a Difference
Evi Rodemann
Five Decades, Five Generations: Can Unreached
'Zoomers' be Mobilised for Mission?
Jeff Fountain
Developments in Youth Ministry: An Interview with Pete Telfer
Carol Clarke
Missional Identity: Mary as a Model for Youth Formation/ Discipleship
John Baxter-Brown
Mission and Youth in Central and Eastern Europe After 30 Years
Tyler Patty
Dec 2022, Vol. 17.2(Free Access)
What’s the Diagnosis? A Physical Exam for Theological Education in East Asia (Walter McConnell)
Theological Education and Mission in Twenty-first Century East Asia
Walter McConnell
Wisdom as the Basis and Aim of Theological Education
Paul Woods
Psalm 23: A Deepening Relationship
Kwai Lin Stephens
Reflections on the Theological Educators’ Consultation
George Capaque
What’s the Diagnosis? A Physical Exam for Theological Education in East Asia
Walter McConnell
Partnering with the Thai Church in Leadership Development and Theological Education
David D. Chang
Mobilising Workers to Advance Discipleship in East and Southeast Asia
Allen McClymont
TEE—A Tool for Contextual Equipping of all God’s People
Graham Aylett, David Burke, and Iljo de Keijzer
Theological Education that Impacts—On Whom/What? For Whom/What?
Allan Harkness
Spring 2023 , Vol. 15.1 (Free Access)
Trust, Scripture, and the Spirit as Core Values of Evangelism in a Chinantec Village in Oaxaca, Mexico (Eliseo Arce Hernandez and Ashley Stamper)
Metrics and Measurements in Church-Based Research
David R. Dunaetz
The Top Ten Challenges Facing Churches in 2023
Eddie E. Moody, Jr.
Growing and Declining Churches Face Different Challenges: A Statistical Analysis of the Top Ten Challenges Facing Churches Study
David R. Dunaetz
Relationship Building for Evangelism Among English Language Learners in China
Ryan Jensen
Trust, Scripture, and the Spirit as Core Values of Evangelism in a Chinantec Village in Oaxaca, Mexico
Eliseo Arce Hernandez and Ashley Stamper
A Bibliometric Analysis of the Great Commission Research Journal 2009-2019
Glenn R. Wittig
Finding Them, Keeping Them – Strategies for Evangelism and Assimilation: A Review of the Books Written by Gary L. McIntosh
Gordon E. Penfold
My Pilgrimage in Church Growth
Gary L. McIntosh
'"The emancipation of Indigenous theologies in light of the rise of World Christianity"
May 2023, Vol. 39.1 (Free Access)
The blessing of diversity: Benefits of the emancipation of Indigenous theologies in light of the emergence of World Christianity (Jay Matenga)
The blessing of diversity: Benefits of the emancipation of Indigenous theologies in light of the emergence of World Christianity
Jay Matenga
Anaditj: the way things are. Knowing of God in Australia
Denise Champion
Leveraging indigenous theologies for church growth in light of the emergence of World Christianity
Paul Ayokunle
Reflections from three indigenous leaders in Latin America
Sarah Cawdell
Story of the First Nations Version project
Terry Wildman
Spring 2023, Vol. 1 (Free Access)
A New Testament Perspective on The Challenges and Opportunities for Intercultural Mission (John Root)
A New Testament Perspective on The Challenges and Opportunities for Intercultural Mission
John Root
Corporate Worship Expressed Interculturally
Jessie Tang
Intercultural (Multi-Ethnic) Churches: A Biblical Model
Francis Omondi
Learning To Serve Well in Intercultural Mission Partnerships
Peter Oyugi
Intercultural Church and The Bible: Essential or Peripheral?
Jem Hovil
A Biblical Perspective on Intercultural Leadership
Naomi Hill
"Diverse Co-Laborers Reaching Diverse Peoples"
Oct 2022, Vol 33.2 (Free Access following sign-up vetting)
Building Thriving Multiethnic Ministries in Global Missions: Three Critical, Overlooked Issues (Peter Lee)
Editorial Navigating Difference
S.T. Antonio Art
Building Thriving Multiethnic Ministries in Global Missions: Three Critical, Overlooked Issues
Peter Lee
“Who Is My Neighbor?” Showing Hospitality to Fellow Workers Who Are “Strangers” Among Us
J. Wu
From the Harvest to the Harvest: An Interview with a South Asian Mobilizer
M. Johnson
Helping Female Single Teammates Thrive amidst Challenges in Muslim Society: A Case Study
John Idoko
Dealing with Theological Differences on Church-Planting Teams
Andrew Hope
Spring 2023, Vol. 79 (Free Access)
The Future of Missions in India (Wati Longkumer)
The Future of Missions in India
Wati Longkumer
Themes, Motifs, And Purposes of Making Indigenous Local Theologies
David Gyeong Han
Update On International Students in Asia-Pacific Region: Post-Pandemic Mission Opportunity Re-Birth
Leiton Chinn
How We Actually Got the Bible: A Response to Bart Ehrman
Takaaki Hara
The Manifestation of The Holy Spirit Is for the ‘Common Good’: A Mission Perspective of The Gifts of The Spirit
Pervaiz Sultan
10/40 Window Update: From Mission Field to Mission Force
Luis Bush
2022, Vol. 10 (Free Access)
Singing from Our Soul: Worship music development in Latin American Vineyard Churches (1994-2017) (Fernando Mora)
Singing from Our Soul: Worship music development in Latin American Vineyard Churches (1994-2017)
Fernando Mora
Performance of the Biblical Book of Ruth as a Means Towards Trauma-healing: an Empirical Study from Cote D’Ivoire
June Dickie, Lynell Zogbo
The Use of Indigenous Musical Instruments in Traditional Christian Worship of the Yoruba, Nigeria
Emmanuel Fasipe
The Book of Jonah in the Style of Altai Epic Stories: A design for a performance in a local genre based on an oral bible translation
Bronwen Cleaver
Creativity, Liminality, and Metaphor in Songwriting
Matt Connor
March-April 2023, Vol. 5.3-4 (Free Access)
Adaka-Teaa Eschatology of Daddy Lumba and Alexander the Great: Implications for Contemporary Christians
Isaac Boaheng
The Translation of διελέγετο (dielexeto) in Acts 17:2 in Asante-Twi Bible: The Implication on Paul Personality
David Adu-Kyei
March 2023, Vol. 4.1 (Free Access)
Leveraging Biblical Artistry for Performance and Fidelity in Luke 15 (Joshua Frost and Heather Beal)
Leveraging Biblical Artistry for Performance and Fidelity in Luke 15
Joshua Frost and Heather Beal
Translanguaging Bible Translation
Drew Maust
Subject – כִּי Ordering in Temporal Clauses in Biblical Hebrew
Stephen H. Levinsohn
The Role of Ishmael in the Divine Drama: Act 2
Mark Harlan
"Creation Care Proclaiming Jesus as Lord of All the Earth"
April-June 2023, Vol. 59.2 (Subscription Access)
Is Creation Care Really a Gospel Issue?
Ed Brown
A Missional Theology of Creation Care
David Bookless
Creation Stewardship, Food, and the Gospel: A Winning Recipe for Holistic Ministry in a Hungry World
Craig Sorley
Posture Over Program: OMF’s Creation Care Journey
Jasmine Kwong
Is There a Green Gospel Message?
Erik Hyat
Witnessing God’s Resurrection Power in People and the Land
Alice Tlustos & Martin Tlustos
Planting Hope in the Wilderness of Our Hearts
Lawrence Ko
Creation Care: An Essential Component of Integral Mission
Kuki Rokhum & Joylin Niruba
Preaching the Good News in a Time of Crisis
Rachel Mash
Creation Care and the Gospel in Uganda
Sara Kaweesa
"Women in World Christianity"
March 2023, Vol. 29.1 (Subscription Access)
Women in World Christianity: Navigating Identities
Nuam Hatzaw and Jessie Fubara-Manuel
A Hopeful Gamble: Living the Faith as Migrant Workers and Transnational Mothers
Ma. Adeinev M. Reyes-Espiritu
‘Womanhood on the Streets’: African Women at the Crossroads of Religious Violence and Social Justice
Ruth Vida Amwe
Sacred Spaces and Disability: African Women Theology of Disability as Pastoral Praxis
Sinenhlanhla S. Chisale
Contemplating the Lived Theology of the Devadāsīs as Decolonial Epistemology in World Christianity
Eve Parker
Interview with Dr Fulata Lusungu Moyo
Jessie Fubara-Manuel
July 2023, Vol. 29.2 (Subscription Access)
World Christianity: Retrospect and Prospect
Alexander Chow
The Gospel beyond the West: The Sanneh–Walls Legacy and Emerging Conversation Partners in World Christianity Studies
Kyama Mugambi
Longing for Belonging: Forwarding Andrew Walls’ Thoughts on Migration and Mission through an Ethnographic Study on Diasporic Chinese in Singapore's Christian Communities
Jackie Jia Chyi Hwang
Unearthing Treasure in Clay Jars: T. C. Chao and the Formation of Chinese Dogmatic Theology
John Sampson
‘Beyond their own dwellings’: The Emergence of a Transregional and Transcontinental Indigenous Christian Public Sphere in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries
Klaus Koschorke and Adrian Hermann
Encounter with Magesa: A Tribute to Professor Laurenti Magesa (1946–2022)
Aloys Otieno Ojore
April 2023, Vol. 51.2 (Subscription Access)
North Korean Christian refugee understanding of evil
Ryan Klejment-Lavin
Developing a missiology for ministry to nomads
Evelyn Hibbert, Lance Williamson, and Barbara Williamson
African American missionaries serving overseas: A surprising numerical and demographic analysis of US-born Blacks in missions
James W. Sutherland, Richard Coleman, and Jacinta Russell
The role of associational life in the development of social capital: Theoretical considerations for Christian NGOs engaged in development initiatives
Lindsey A. Huang
Missional pilgrimage: A new framework for short-term mission
Rachel D. Spencer and Hannah Green
A Christology of history and contextualization: Hans Urs von Balthasar’s mission Christology and Kosuke Koyama’s contextualizing Christology
Jacob Lett
Dec 2022, Vol. 16.2 (Subscription Access)
Asian Australian Women in Ministry and Mission: Contributions, Experiences, Inequalities, and Futures
Graham Joseph Hill
Multicultural Church in Australia: Reflections On a Ten-Year Personal Journey in Academia.
David Turnbull
Lessons from an African Pentecostal Woman Leader: The Life and Teaching of Faraja Hamuli.
Tamie Davis
Tibetan Diaspora
Suzanne Rowe
Anglo-German Antagonism in Polynesia: The London Missionary Society under Imperial German Rule in Samoa, 1900-1914
John Moses
Ua sopo le vā: Moving Beyond Religious and Cultural Boundaries of the Samoan Diaspora Church Towards Multicultural Churches
Terry Pouono
June 2023, Vol. 17.1 (Subscription Access)
Intercultural Theology and Contextualising Mission
Graham Joseph Hill
“You Took Me In”: Seeking Transformation for Migrant Workers, Refugees, and Asylum Seekers
Brad Coath
Shaping Christian Spirituality and Theology for a New Urban World
Graham Joseph Hill
The Ecology of Urban Mission
Howard A. Snyder
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Australasian Mission Organisations
Katherine N. Thompson, Delle Matthews, David Williams, Thomas Kimber, Mathis Grossmann, Michael Brautigam
Reflections on the Unit “Mission in the Urban Context”
Graeme Dunkley
Should Urban Mission Include a Focus on Older People?
Ben Boland
Formation for Mission – Address to the Bishops of FCBCO in Pacific Harbour.
Fr Frank Hoare, SSC
"Christianity, States and Integration"
April 2023, Vol. 40.2 (Subscription Access)
Climate Change, Inequality, and Vulnerabilities in Pre-Modern Korea: Implications for Mission After COVID-19
Bright Myeong-Seok Lee
Political Disputes and Religious Fusions: From Countering to Understanding the Naga and Zo Narratives of Self-Determination
Samuel G Ngaihte
Christian Migrants and Their Living Faith in Mission: An Indonesian Perspective
Raymundus Sudhiarsa
Reconciling the Republic of South Moluccas Movement with Indonesia Nation: A Christian perspective
Rachel Iwamony
‘Forgiveness’ in Building Bridges With Muslims: An Intertextual Analysis of the Joseph's Narrative
Hanna Hyun
Muslim Diasporas: An Examination of the Issues of the Second and Third Generation Muslims in Europe
Ishak M. Ghatas
Barriers for Believers in Christ from Muslim Backgrounds: A Case from North America
Sam Kim
Feb 2023, Vol. 13.1 (Subscription Access)
From an Excluded Mission Field to the World Christianity Map: The CCLA and Emerging Voices of Elite Latin American Protestants (1910–1929)
Carlos F. Cardoza-Orlandi
Post-American Mormonism in the Changing World Order
Matthew Crandall
Special Report on “Decolonizing Churches”
Dale T. Irvin
Decolonizing Churches
Sandra Arenas
Equity, Indigeneity, Pluri-universality, and Hybridity: Musings on the Decolonizing the Church Conference
David Douglas Daniels III
Decolonizing Churches as Emancipation and Exorcism
Aaron T. Hollander
April 2023, Vol. 47.2 (Subscription Access)
Introductory Essay: Migration and World Christianity
Matthew J. Krabill
Seeing the World Through African Eyes: A Tribute to Andrew Walls
Jehu J. Hanciles
“That’s Jesus’s Intent, and That Was Our Intent Too!”: African Migration, Race, and US Missions
Kimberly Akano
Possessing the Nations: Immigration and the Changing Landscape of the Church in Scotland
Sheila Akomiah-Conteh
Every Christian Migrant a Potential Missionary: Reflections on the Missiology of the Redeemed Christian Church of God
Harvey Kwiyani
New Generations, New Mission: Intergenerational Faith Transmission and the Missionary Function of African Immigrant Faith Communities
Allison L. Norton & Caleb Opoku Nyanni
“Spiritually Dynamic but Ecclesially Deviant”: African Immigrant Christianity and New Ecumenical Terrain in the West
Matthew J. Krabill
Reimagining GO and SEND Mission Paradigms for an Age of Global Migration and World Christianity
Sam George
Where the Dewdrops Fall: Shalom International Ministry and the Cultivation of a Twenty-First-Century Missionary Movement
Jennifer L. Aycock & Gad Mpoyo
Misunderstanding Misunderstanding: Exploring the Depth of Hindrance to Cross-Cultural Communications
Geoff Beech
April 2023, Vol. 40.1 (Subscription Access)
Missionary Linguistics and the Protestant Policies for Missionary (Re)translations (English into Judeo-Spanish) in the Nineteenth Century
Daniel Martín-González
Two Approaches by Dutch Missionaries to Communicating the Gospel in Seventeenth-Century Taiwan
Christopher Joby
Cultural Change versus Adaptability? The Ascendance of the Christian God within Zo Traditional Cosmology
Pum Khan Pau & Thang Sian Mung
Integrating Pentecostal Healing and Western Medicine: A Case Study
Karl Inge Tangen
The Gospel as a Life to Live: Tokunboh Adeyemo and the Evangelical Debate on Mission
Wouter Theodoor (W.T.) van Veelen
Social Discourses in Egypt: Historical Developments of Interfaith Relations between Christians and Muslims
Toby Kan
Mission as Hospitality with Refugees and Other Migrants: Exploring Ross Langmead’s “Guests and Hosts” in Australian Churches
Darren Cronshaw, Hanna Hyun, Peter Laughlin, Titus S. Olorunnisola, & Stephen Parker
"Mapping the Field of Religion, Globalization and Youth Agency"
April 2023 , Vol. 36.1-2 (Subscription Access)
Mapping the Field of Religion, Globalization and Youth Agency
Charles Mercier, Jean-Philippe Warren, and Hillary Kaell
“We Are Descendants of the Buddha” The Youth Buddhist Society and Return Globalization in Sankissa
David Geary and Manish Kumar
Au Pair Religion: Authenticity and Ambivalence among Young Filipinos in Denmark
Astrid Krabbe Trolle
Mobilités transnationales et changement religieux: De nouveaux rites de passage pour de jeunes Français au Québec
Géraldine Mossière
Young People, Globalization and Interfaith Advocacy: A Case Study of the InterFaith Tour (2012–2020)
Charles Mercier
Mutual Influences in Orthodox Missions among the Nanai People in the Russian Far East
Anne Dalles Maréchal
Transnational Mobility and Religious Change: Unidirectional Boundaries of Franciscan Missionaries in Eighteenth and Nineteenth-Century California
Jared Bok
“Except You Be Born of Water and the Spirit, You Cannot Enter into the Kingdom” The Social Meaning of Baptism in Toro, Uganda 1890–1910
Emma Wild-Wood
to friends, colleagues, professors, or students who might enjoy it.
For questions, comments, or suggestions, email Chris Howles
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