Welcome to 'Mission Hits - Journals', a quarterly blog collating together missiology-related journals from the previous 3 months.
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CONTENTS (click each journal to see list of articles within)
Studies in World Christianity (Nov 2020, Vol. 26.3)
Global Missiology (2020, Vol. 5 No. 17)
International Journal of Pentecostal Missiology (Fall 2020, Vol. 7.1)
Mission Frontiers (Nov/Dec 2020, Vol. 42.6)
Lausanne Global Analysis (Nov 2020, Vol. 9.6)
Missio Dei: A Journal of Missional Theology and Praxis (2020, Vol. 11)
Evangelical Missions Quarterly (Oct – Dec 2020, Vol. 56.4)
International Bulletin of Mission Research (Oct 2020, Vol. 44.4)
Missiology: An International Review (Oct 2020, Vol. 48.4)
Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies (Oct 2020, Vol 37.4)
International Review of Mission (Nov 2020, Vol. 109.2)
Exchange: Journal of Contemporary Christianities in Context (Nov 2020, Vol. 49.3-4)
Journal of World Christianity (Nov 2020, Vol. 10.2)
Mission Studies (Dec 2020, Vol. 37.3)
Nov 2020, Vol. 26.3
Free access
Editorial: The COVID-19 Pandemic and World Christianity
Kwabena Asamoah-Gyadu, Alexander Chow and Emma Wild-Wood
Faith Tabernacle Congregation, the 1918–19 Influenza Pandemic and Classical Pentecostalism in Colonial West Africa
Adam Mohr
Compliant Singaporean Christians? State-Centred Christian Responses to COVID-19 in a Single-Party Dominant State
Joshua Dao Wei Sim
The Church as a Sacrament in a Time of Pandemic: The Philippine Experience
Rhoderick John Suarez Abellanosa
Longing for Home: The Impact of COVID-19 on Cambodian Evangelical Life
Briana Wong
Two or Three Gathered Online: Asian and European Responses to COVID-19 and the Digital Church
Alexander Chow and Jonas Kurlberg
"Socio-Political Disruptions and Missions Praxis"
2020, Vol. 5.17
Free access
Disruption of Cross-cultural Mission: A Call to Lean into the Liminality
Wanjiru M. Gitau
The Refugee Crisis and Foreign Involvement: The Case of CFCI in Costa Rica
Jenny McGill
Four Decades, Four Narratives: Political Disruption and Contemporary Mission Discourse on China
Brent Fulton
When the Cross Is about to be Wrapped in the Red Flag, How Should Churches under the Hong Kong National Security Law Resist?
Editorial Team
Urbanisation, Change and Christian Mission in the Indian Context: A Study of the Changes in the Educated Middle-Class Hindus
Sunil F. Kolhar
Crisis as Kairos: Our Samaria Right Next Door? Acting on Crisis to Minister to Our Native Neighbors
Dave Beine
“The Trinity Is Not Our Social Program” and the Social Arian Temptation: Recovering from Mortifying Spin – Contextualization Gone Awry 4 (Christology) (Part I)
Mark R. Kreitzer
Fall 2020, Vol. 7.1
Free access
The Contemplating Edition: How are Pentecost and Missions Linked Together?
Jeffery Nelson, Editor
Together in One Mission: Pentecostal Cooperation in Future Mission
Grant McClung
Charles F. Parham, Indefatigable Toil and Launching the World-wide Pentecostal Movement: A New Look at a Forgotten Leader
Jeffery Nelson
Theology of the Call: Precis from Acts 26:16-20
Nadine Sandoz
The Apostolic Priority: Why Long-term Culture – and Language-competent Workers Doing Church Planting Among the Unreached is Still Our Highest Missions Priority
Alan R. Johnson
Jabulani Africa! – Joy in the Church in Africa
Uchenna D. Anyanwu
Globalizing Pentecost in Africa: How Can We Proactively Emphasize Pentecost and Missions in Africa and Beyond?
Denzil R. Miller
"Human Trafficking: The Church Should Stop Supporting It"
Nov-Dec 2020, Vol. 42.6
Free access
Editorial: Jesus Asked Us to Rescue the Perishing and Set the Captives Free
Rick Wood
Sweden’s Secret Weapon
Paul Strand
What Is Human Trafficking?
Swedish Model as an Example to Prevent Human Trafficking
ABbilgi Merkezi
10 Trafficked At 18 Into the LA Porn Industry
The Global Slave Trade: A Cause for Our Time
International Justice Mission
Toward the Edges
Kevin Higgins
Let’s Put An End to Sex Trafficking
Disturbing the Inner Workings
of Indigenous Movements
Jean Johnson
15 Mind-Blowing Statistics About
Pornography and the Church
24:14 Coalition Update
Justin Long
The Porn Industry is Modern-Day Slavery
Luke Gibbons
The Future of Frontier Missions: World Christian Encyclopedia 3rd edition
Todd Johnson
Tribute to David J. Cho
Greg Parsons
Nov. 2020, Vol. 9.6
Free access
Kingdom Opportunities for Bridging COVID-19 Disparities
Stephen Ko, Paul Hudson, & Jennifer Jao
Building a Moveable Pulpit for Mental Health
Hebert Palomino O.
Kashmir on The Cusp of a New Dawn
Jacob Daniel
The World’s Least Reached Are on Our Streets
Charles Rijnhart
Keys to Contextualized Church Planting in Thailand
D.J. Oden
"Honor and Shame"
2020, Vol. 11
Free access
An Honor-Bearing Gospel for Shame-Fueled Crises
Werner Mischke
"Romans 8 and the Conception of Chinese Shame and Guilt"
Yi-Sang Patrick Chan
Figuring the Disfigured in Zhuangzi and the Gospel of Mark: A Comparative Analysis
Travis Allyn Myers
'Old Man' as Cipher: Humor and Honor-Shame Rhetoric for Reading Philemon in Mozambique
Alan B. Howel
Face and the Loss of Reputation in the Korean Protestant Church
Shin-Ho Choi and Michael A. Rynkiewich
From One Honor-Shame Culture to Another: A Proposal for Training Chinese Missionaries to Serve in Muslim Contexts
Jackson Wu
Honor and Shame in Ruth
Anthony J. Gryskiewicz
How Glory Veiled the Honor of God (2 Corinthians 2:1-4:6)
Evertt Huffard
Missionaries and Shame
Harriet Hill
Everyday Life Case Studies of Honor-Shame Dynamics with the People of Huancayo, Peru
Jeremy Davis
Honor and Shame among the Sankaran in Guinea: A Case Study
Sherry Fariss
"People Group Missiology"
Oct-Dec 2020, Vol. 56.4
Subscription access
Rethinking People Group Missiology
A Biblical Understanding of People Groups
Steve Hawthorne
The People Group Approach: A Historical Perspective
David E. Datema and Leonard N. Bartlotti
Foundations of Frontier Missiology: Core Understandings and Interrelated Concepts
Alan R. Johnson
Run with the Vision: The Impact of the Unreached People Groups Concept on Students, Churches and Sending Agencies
Greg Parsons
Notes from the Field: Voices of Pioneer Workers on the Challenge of “People Groups”
Various Authors
Fog in the Pews: Factors Behind the Fading Vision for Unreached Peoples
RW Lewis
Globalization, Urbanization, Migration, and Rethinking the People Groups Concept
Minh Ha Nguyen
Ferment in the Church: Missions in the 4th Era
Alan McMahan
The Making of Lists
Dan Scribner
A Church for Every People: A Retrospect on Mapping Peoples
Brad Gill
Reimagining & Re-envisioning People Groups
Leonard N. Bartlotti
Oct 2020, Vol 44.4
Subscription access
Christian Faith, Modern Science, and God’s Mission
Thomas John Hastings
A Theology of Interreligious Relations
Terry C. Muck
The Challenge of Teaching Mission in an Increasingly Mobile and Complex World
Michael A. Rynkiewich
Social Activism amid Multiple Identities: Christians in Hong Kong
Jenny McGill, Kim Kuen Ip, Jeffrey Chiu, Timotheus Mui
Dr. Thomas A. Lambie: Missionary-Entrepreneur in Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, Abyssinia, and Palestine
E. Paul Balisky
Iron Sharpens Iron: Lessons Learned from a Songwriting Workshop in Mozambique
Antoinette Hansen, Megan Meyers
My Pilgrimage in Mission
Robert L. Montgomery
Oct 2020, Vol. 48.4
Subscription access
Missional spirituality at home: Families and the life of the kingdom
Ed Mackenzie
What led Thai-Buddhist background-believers to become Christian? A grounded-theory study
Kelly Michael Hilderbrand
Contributions, challenges, and emerging patterns of short-term missions
Simone Mulieri Twibell
John Eliot, John Veniaminov, and engagement with the indigenous peoples of North America: A comparative missiology, part I
Joseph William Black
Globalization, contextualization, and indigeneity: Local approaches to indigenous Christianity
Ron Barber
Concerning ecclesiology: Four barriers preventing insider movement contextualization from producing biblical churches
Matthew Bennett
Insights from sociolinguistics and translation studies for maintaining bilingualism
in the home
Anya Ezhevskaya
Oct 2020, Vol. 37.4
Subscription access
Covid-19, Trends in Global Mission, and Participation in Faithful Witness
Paul Bendor-Samuel
COVID-19 Shows the Need to Make Church More Flexible
Jerry Pillay
Faith in Internationalism: Covid-19 and the International Order
Kenneth R. Ross
COVID-19, the Church, and the Challenge to Ecumenism
Jean-Daniel Plüss
Virtual Reality Church as a New Mission Frontier in the Metaverse: Exploring Theological Controversies and Missional Potential of Virtual Reality Church
Guichun Jun
Practice of Faith under COVID-19: Exceptional Cases
David Emmanuel Singh
"Christ's Love as Reconciling Mission"
Nov 2020, Vol. 109.2
Subscription access
Reconciliation as Expression of Christ's Love: Reflections on the Next WCC Assembly Theme
Michael Biehl
Reconciliation and Mission
Tormod Engelsviken
Mission and Reconciliation in the Orthodox Church: From Busan (2013) to Karlsruhe (2022)
Petros Vassiliadis
Christian Mission and Indigenous Peoples of Indo‐Myanmar: A Continuing Project of Reconciliation
Atola Longkumer
Forgiveness and Reconciliation in the Life and Work of Desmond Tutu
Tinyiko Maluleke
The African Palaver Reconciliation Model and Mission
Francis Anekwe Oborji
Mission and Reconciliation: Missio‐African Approaches
Lesmore Gibson Ezekiel
Christ's Love as the Basis of the Church's Faith Witness to Muslims
Henning Wrogemann
Mission for/as Reconciliatory Emancipation: Re‐visiting Bishop Masilamani Azariah's Theology of Mission
Joshua Samuel
Missional Resistance: The Man in the High Castle's Hope for an Alternate Reality
Stephen Parker
A Scottish Millennial Mission to Jews: The Conversion, Work, Theological views, and Hungarian Connections of Adolph Saphir (1831–91)
Ábrahám Kovács
Charles F. Mackenzie and Early Colonial Racism: Renewing a Call for Mission as Liberating Action
Peter Carleton Houston
Principles of Discipleship and Church Growth from Acts 2:46‐47
Yiner Josue Huaycani Cotrado
Nov 2020, Vol. 49.3-4
Subscription access
Christian Communities in the Contemporary Middle East: An Introduction
Deanna Ferree Womack
Islamic Law, Unitary State Law, and Communal Law: Divorce and Remarriage in Egypt’s Coptic Community
Rachel M. Scott
At the Borders of Identity: Reflections on Egyptian Protestant Public Theology in the Wake of the Arab Spring
Rebecca Skreslet Hernandez
The Revival of Palestinian Christianity Developments in Palestinian Theology
Elizabeth S. Marteijn
Christian Agency and Lutheran Personal Status Laws in Palestine
Tala Raheb
Navigating the Biblical Mandate: Discursive Change and Adaptation in the International Christian Embassy in Jerusalem
Aron Engberg
Gazan Christians: Pilgrimage Permits, Migration, and the Exchange of Precarity
Kenny Schmitt
Why Church Leaders Discourage Christians from Leaving Jordan: An Anti-Emigration Perspective
Lucy Schouten
Oriental Orthodox Young Adults and Liturgical Participation: A Matter of Identity
Rima Nasrallah and Ronelle Sonnenberg
From the Margins of the Colophon: Arab Orthodox Monasticism in Ruins
Aaron Frederick Eldridge
"The COVID-19 Pandemic and World Christianity"
Nov 2020, Vol. 10.2
Subscription access
Holy Dilemma: Engaging Prayer and Power in African Pentecostalism
Akintunde E. Akinade
“Selling God”: Contemporary Ghanaian Pentecostal Christianity in the Marketplace
Francis Benyah
Conflict and Issues of Identity: Tales of Anglican Converts in Ukwuaniland, 1841–1941
Jones Ugochukwu Odili
Religion and Development: The Malagasy Lutheran Church as Development Actor - A Case Study of the Bara People of Madagascar
Marianne Skjortnes
"Locating European Mission in a Wounded World"
Dec 2020, Vol. 37.3
Subscription access
Special IAMS Europe Issue Locating European Missions in a Wounded World
Norbert Hintersteiner and Christian Tauchner
Locating European Mission in a Wounded World in Deep Transformation
Robert Schreiter
Wounded Words in a Wounded World: Opportunities for Mission in Central and Eastern Europe Today
András Máté-Tóth
Salvation in a Wounded World. Towards a Spectral Theology of Mission
Judith Gruber
Vulner-ability: A Systematic Theological Approach to an Ambivalent Term
Miriam Leidinger
Religious Parental Transmission and the Importance of Authenticity
Ida Marie Høeg
Catholic Responses to the Vulnerability of the French Parish Church: Continuities, Disruptions and Hopes
Marie-Hélène Robert NDA
The “Liturgy after the Liturgy” and Deep Solidarity. The Orthodox Understanding of Christian Witness and its Implications for Human Society
Fr. Cristian Sonea
'Mission Hits Journals' is a ministry of
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