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Mission Hits #62 (January 2025)

Writer's picture: From Every Nation (Chris Howles)From Every Nation (Chris Howles)

Welcome to Mission Hits, a monthly blog highlighting stimulating and significant recent resources related to world mission and world Christianity.

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Welcome to Mission Hits # 62 (January 2025)


Welcome back everyone to a new edition for a new year!

Lots here to help us look forward to trends, events, ideas and resources shaping global mission for the year, and years, ahead.


There's also two 'one-off' sections in this edition helping us to look back to 2024.

  • Firstly, a list of top missions books, missions deaths, and missions stories, of the year.

  • Then the top three most popular Mission Hits links of all 2024. I thought that might interest/intrigue you!

* And here's a new thing for 2025! * Just below you'll find a link to a short conversation I had with Ted Esler (President, MissioNexus) about a few of the reesources here that caught our eye. Have a listen. What would you like to highlight?

If you know anyone who might find this a useful monthly resource to receive, then please do pass this on and encourage them to sign up. And please feel free to send me any suggestions or feedback (


Have a blessed and mission-minded month ahead, and I'll see you again soon for the next edition,


Chris (Howles)

Director of Cross-Cultural Training, Oak Hill College (UK)

Doctorate in Intercultural Theology, Fuller Theological Seminary (US)


A 13-min conversation I had with Ted Esler (President, MissioNexus) about a few of the reesources here that particularly caught our attention, and why. Have a listen!


ESSENTIALS (if you only have time for one...)

Essential for Missionaries

This is a powerful and poignant testimony of an American mother raising a disabled son in Mozambique. I found it moving and thought-provoking, and I suspect some of the issues, challenges, joys and fears she describes will resonate with gospel workers worldwide. Karis Koehn writing for the excellent Afrigo e-magazine.

Essential for Church Leaders

Missiologist Todd Korpi with some reflections for Ed Stetzer's 'Church Leaders' website following last year's global missions congress of the World Assemblies of God Fellowship in Nairobi. Challenging, thought-provoking ideas.

Essential for Mission Agency Workers

I read a LOT of articles about missionary life, but so few of them ever deal with sexual harassment in cross-cultural settings. Given the frequency and impact it has on many people, that's a problem. This is long, honest, and important article from Rachel Pieh Jones containing significant reflections and responses. It may require a content warning - there's some stories/descriptions here that could be triggering.

Essential for Christians Partnering as Senders

"[T]hree recurring mindsets contribute to making support raising extra challenging for single women: the church planting movement, the allure of the family unit, and what I’ll call the “one-woman show” phenomenon." This is illuminating and insightful. I present it here as something for 'senders' because I suspect single women in the midst of this would value empathy, support, and encouragement from us all.


GENERAL (well worth your time)


This was such a lovely and challenging story, I couldn't help but include it here. This US missionary tells the story of some migrant Pakistani Christians working ("enduring slave-like treatment from local employers") in central Asia, and what he learned from them about commitment to the body of Christ: "But eternity is coming, and along with it all of God’s perfectly poetic rewards. And I, for one, will not be surprised if these migrant brothers end up with some of the nicest ‘rides’ in all of New Jerusalem."


Beautiful Gospel Coalition article about Pastor Wang, an aged Chinese Christian who dies recently. "Our churches are plagued by the temptations of celebrity...[yet] we ought to pay tribute to those who die in obscurity. Their faithfulness isn’t counted by the people who recognize their name [but] by the quiet, determined fruitfulness of their lives" From Hannah Nation and The Center for House Church Theology.


Andy McCullough with a free 30-page PDF book, based on a series of blog posts in recent years, helping gospel workers think through some of the typical 'stages' of the missionary call and vocation. He does it with clarity, sincerity and wisdom. There's sure to be people you know of who would appreciate you sending them this and reading it alongside them.


2024 IN REVIEW (Looking back on missiology last year)

"The year 2024 saw the passing of several North American and Global influential Christian missionaries and ministry leaders. These men and women of faith dedicated their lives to spreading the gospel and serving others around the world."


Ted Esler identifies 7 of the most significant news stories and trends that are shaping and will shape Great Commission efforts globally. Honestly, this is the sort of thing that anyone connected with global missions should be looking through.


The annual ranking of the 50 countries where Christians face the most extreme persecution has been published. See the 'top' 50 here, download info about what it's like following Jesus there, and discover how to stand with our brothers and sisters in prayer and action.


2024 GREATEST (Mission) HITS (the most popular links of 2024!)

Written by 150 global mission experts worldwide, this is a massive and magnificent work that will shape the worldwide missiological conversation for a good time to come. It's full of helpful charts and maps and represents an outstanding overview of where global evangelical mission is (and is going…)


Six brief bullet points from 9Marks to give one framework (others are available) as to how churches might evaluate missionary work they support..


If you ask local partners and leaders what sort of missionaries do they want to receive, as opposed to what we think they want, interesting things happen! Nathan Sloan from Upstream Sending writing for the Gospel Coalition.


AUDIO/VISUAL (podcasts & videos)

Author's privilege! I was grateful to appear on 'The Missions Podcast' and suggest ten missiology books worth reading in 2025 to broaden and deepen our missiology. These ten add to the previous 10+10 in 2023 and 2024 to make a growing list! Which would you have added or removed? Have a listen and drop me a line!


Author's privilege again! I was delighted to be able to speak at this hour-long webinar on 'Global Mission: 21st century patterns and possibilities' for the International Christian Medical and Dental Association. It's on YouTube here. Lots of graphs, charts, pictures etc! "Since the turn of the century we've seen unprecedented increases in global migration, huge growth in the size and reach of the majority world church, and the continued rise in trends such as urbanisation, polycentricism, and nationalism. How should Christians think about global mission in light of these patterns and the many gospel possibilities that are inherent to them?"


All the recordings for the 2024 Missionary Conference ('We exist to inspire and educate Christians and pastors to nurture a missions culture in their local church') are now online. John Piper on Tyndale, Mark Dever on the church, Michael Morales on the Great Commission, and others on suffering, Tyndale, and more. Lots here to enjoy!


DIGGING DEEPER (challenging but rewarding)

The UK missions community and many others worldwide have been deeply saddened by the death this month of Peter Rowan, OMF (UK) Co-National Director. He was described as 'a dedicated and visionary leader, whose contributions to OMF and the global church were immeasurable.' You can read an OMF obituary here and watch the service of thanksgiving at St Nicholas Church Sevenoaks here. Peter wrote many pieces that are wise and thoughtful, but this for me was a particularly challenging and helpful reflection from 2023: “Should White People Be Missionaries Overseas?”


In September, David Williams (Principal, St Andrew's Hall, Australia) wrote for the Lausanne Global Analysis calling for great caution when it comes to disciple making movements (DMMs). This month David Coles (, a prominent voice for such movements, responded on the World Evangelical Alliance Mission Commission website. The challenge, as ever, is to represent one another fairly and critique with integrity. If you're new to it, these articles are introductions to two contrasting stances in the debate.


Harvey Kwiyani on how Western churches can learn from African churches when it comes to integrating church and mission in a way that fosters the 'evangelisthood of all believers' … something so very rare in many western churches today.


BOOKS (recent releases)

Links are to Amazon for best info/reviews. Other outlets are available...

David C Meade

"The Bible teaches that God has always planned to declare His wisdom and glory through local churches. The New Testament shows local churches as the quintessential means and ends of His design for gospel proclamation to every people group on earth. All stakeholders of the global missions enterprise would be more effective if aligned with this understanding. Let’s start a tidal wave of positive change by applying these principles. The goal is more vital churches, better-equipped missionaries, and more effective, long-term field ministries for the glory of God alone."


Charles H. Kraft

"This book by renowned missiologist Charles H. Kraft explores what missiology informed by and infused with Jesus-centered spiritual power looks like. It is packed with insights based on a lifetime of practical experience, field research, and biblical reflection. Kraft addresses topics such as spiritual power and authority, ways cultures see invisible spiritual realities, and how Jesus can be followed in culturally relevant ways that also challenge and change unbiblical traditional beliefs in magic, divination, cursing, worship of spirits, and other related practices. Exceedingly practical and challenging, this short work, Kraft’s final book, does not disappoint."


Linda P. Saunders, Gregory Mathias, Edward L. Smither (Editors)

"Given the landscape of global Christianity and the variety of approaches to theological and missiological training today, how do we equip the global church for the mission of God? [This book] offers insights from seasoned scholars and practitioners. Beginning with theological convictions and practical reflections, our authors make a case for what equipping for mission could look like in the present global church. Case studies from India, China, North America, and Britain further challenge the reader to reflect on this critical issue."


MISCELLANEOUS (varied but valuable)

MissioNexus teamed up with with ProgressBible to produce an amazing infographic on Bible translation. A one-click ‘everything you need to know about the current state of Bible translation’ treat!


"This exquisitely rendered deck of playing cards celebrates new heroes from Black and African American history from the last three centuries. Each card features historical missionary figures [and]… every card shares snippets of the figure’s significant contributions to sharing the gospel globally. Join the National African American Mission Council (NAAMC) by celebrating these everyday legends in Great Commission endeavors." $20.


A free PDF printable 12-month wall calendar from The Joshua Project to help us pray for unreached people groups worldwide.


QUOTES (wise one-liners)

(1) "missio Dei negates any institutional or regional ownership of mission."

Chung-Hyun Baik and Sinwoong Kim


(2) "Mission is not just the Church’s activity in another culture local or abroad, but is a frontier of belief, conviction and commitment."

Philomena Njeri Mwaura


(3) "It is not lost time to wait upon God."

Hudson Taylor


GLOBAL INSIGHT (critical news & trends)

Sudan has become the "biggest humanitarian crisis ever recorded...The country accounts for 10% of all people in humanitarian need, despite being home to less than 1 % of global population. The IRC (International Rescue Committee) has warned of a 'total humanitarian collapse'.


"Violence against Christians in India has reached unprecedented levels in 2024, with 745 incidents reported by the United Christian Forum (UCF) through its helpline by the end of November 2024."


"The Guardian travelled to Indonesia to piece together the journey and find out why and how Chinese people are deciding to risk the notoriously dangerous – and usually unsuccessful – path"


TWEETS (short but significant)


STATS (noteworthy numbers)

(1) 59% of the world's population live in cities. There are 653 cities in the world with a population of over 1 million. In 60% of those large cities fewer than half the people are Christian. SOURCE


(2) Despite being around 1% of the population Christians account for 14% (9/64) of Japanese Prime ministers. SOURCE


(3) The percentage of all Christians living in countries which are more than 80% Christian overall has fallen from 95% in 1900 to 51% today.  SOURCE


HIGHLIGHTS (Most popular from last month's Mission Hits…)




JUST FOR FUN (unrelated but interesting!)

A map of the world showing all the major empires/kingdoms. Drag the timeline to go to any year between 4000BC and AD2010 and see what was going on. You can then click on anything to take you to the relevant Wikipedia article. There is a LOT of history fun and learning contained here.


Kinda fun, and quite useful in places: "100 tiny tricks to help with everything from digital overwhelm to lumpy sugar and unpaid bills" From the Guardian (UK)


The 20 most confusing English names worldwide (as in, the most globally searched-for names on online pronunciation websites). Apologies for going all clickbait on you, but I reckon I could give you 100 tries and you wouldn't guess #1! A good reminder that what may be 'obvious' to some may not be to others. And vice-versa. 


Full searchable archives of all Mission Hits resources from edition #1

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