www.fromeverynation.net is a resource I would enjoy and benefit from. I pray that others will feel the same. And that’s why I’ve set it up. At its heart of this website are two blogs....
(1) Mission Hits
Mission Hits is a monthly email containing links to significant and stimulating online resources concerning world Christianity and world mission with links to recent articles, podcasts, books, tweets, videos, quotes, and more.
Who should sign up? Anyone who wants to listen to and learn from the breadth and depth of world Christianity today, and engage positively with issues and questions related to contemporary global mission.
You might be on a church missions committee, work for a missions society, or be a cross-cultural missionary yourself.
You might be a church leader seeking to help your congregation participate in mission both home and abroad.
You might be a missions teacher and seeking helpful, practical resources to share with students.
You might be interested in learning more about God's work in the world today and want some help to know where to start,
Whoever you are, you’re welcome to sign up to ‘Mission Hits’ and give it a try. SIGN UP HERE
(2) Mission Hits Journals
ALL Mission Hits entries are archived into easily-searchable tables on this website. To browse these archives, click here
Mission Hits Journals is a free quarterly email linking readers to all recent articles in (the 35 and counting…) journals/periodicals related to World Mission and World Christianity.
This enables you to keep thoroughly up to date with contemporary missiological trends and ideas, and means you don't need to spend time searching many different journal websites or risk missing out on something relevant to you and your studies.
Ideal for....
Those involved in missions/intercultural theology/world Christianity teaching and training, and their students.
Theology students/professors who want to ensure that they keep a global, missional outlook in their teaching, ministry, and scholarship.
Thoughtful practitioners currently serving the Lord in mission in different contexts.
Mission leaders in churches and ministries who wish to stay informed about contemporary thought and trends in their field.
For the full list of journals, to see previous editions, and to receive the Mission Hits Journals email (4 times a year), SIGN UP HERE